Special Rights

The Special Rights tab enables you to define and display special access rights for user groups, including access to data and clearance to meter bypass or override rules, as well as the ability to customize screens, and mass-open PM orders. Authority is granted or denied for users to perform special functions

Detail View Header

User group ID  

Unique identifier of the user group currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. The user group description displays to the right. This field is display only.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define special access rights for the user group. All fields are optional.

System administrator rights

If this field has a check, users in this user group may modify the UI (user interface) and grant screen access rights to specific user groups.

Save customized screen grid formats

If this field has a check, users in this user group can use the Preferences -> States -> Grid Columns -> Save command to save customized screen grid formats.

Accept meter for transaction purposes only

If this field has a check, users in this user group may specify NO EQ UPD in meter validation fields. The NO EQ UPD process causes the system to perform meter validation and accept the meter reading as the meter reading for the equipment unit at the time activity was performed. The reading is not used to determine the unit's incremental meter usage, however, as it is no longer current.

Update latest meter reading for unit

If this field has a check, users in this user group may specify EQ UPD in meter validation fields. This process prevents the system from performing meter validation. It accepts and records meter readings as the new current meter readings, and is used to determine the unit's incremental meter usage.

Automatically open PM orders

If this field has a check, users in this user group can access the Open PM orders for all units listed field on either of the Data -> Equipment Management -> Equipment Due for Service/Inspection screens (by Equipment or by Location).

Override work order work class

If this field has a check, users in this user group may change the work class that defaults on a new work order.

Do not allow reopen of work orders

If this field has a check, users in this user group cannot reopen closed work orders.

Grant access to data only for authorized location IDs

If this field has a check, location-level access control is activated for the users in this user group. On certain screens, users can only access information for items that are assigned to locations to which they have access rights. If this restriction is on effect, it must apply to all groups assigned to that user ID.

If this field is left blank, location-level access control for the users in this user group is disabled. Users can view and modify data without regard to location ID restrictions.

Grant access to data only for authorized department IDs

If this field has a check, department-level access control is activated for the users in this user group. On certain screens, users can only access information for items that are assigned to departments to which they have access rights.

If this field is left blank, department-level access control for the users in this user group is disabled. Users can view and modify data without regard to department ID restrictions.

Number of work order posting rows to display initially

Indicates the default number of work order posting rows to display initially when users perform a Get Data on the Work Order Center and Work Order–Short Form screens.

Allow update of delays related to signed off trips

If this field has a check, the users in this user group may modify trip delay incidents that have been signed off by the dispatcher.

Track user GPS location when available

If this field has a check, the GPS location of the users in this group can be tracked when available. This can be used to determine if the user's last known position tab will update the latitude and longitude.