Frequently asked questions about queries and reports

The following are common questions about queries and reports. Scan this list before you call Technical Support—you might save yourself a phone call!

Each question is followed by the word ANSWER. To see the answer to the question, click ANSWER.


How do I create a custom report through the Query Report Generator?

How do I set up restrictions for reports?

How do I set up outer join reports (e.g., to display work orders with no reason code)?

How do I generate bills for services?

You can generate bills for services in many different ways.

To produce bills, you can use one of the standard Billing Reports or the Query/Report Generator. You can also use Web Modules Reporting or any other reporting tool sold separately (such as Microsoft Access) that can attach to the database. Refer to the related documentation for these products.

Remember to save your queries or reports so that you can use them each month.

Some tables contain required data items for billing purposes. For example, to avoid double billing, you can query only rental rates that do not include charges for maintenance. If you have specific questions about which tables contain data items required for billing purposes, please contact Technical Support.


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