Component Configuration

The Component Configuration screen enables you to specify the list of component types that you track for a given equipment type, as classified by maintenance class.

Detail View Header

Top-level parent class

Identifier of the top-level parent class. Must be valid maintenance class. This field has a list box, restricted by maintenance class. The class description displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.

Detail View


To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save.

Parent class

Identifier of the parent class. Must be valid maintenance class. Must be either the top-level parent class or one of the child classes. This field has a list box. This field is required.

Child class

Identifier of the child class. Cannot be the same as the top-level parent or parent class. This field has a list box. Required only if the Part ID and Part suffix fields are blank.

Position ID

Identifier of the position. This field has a list box, the choices of which are based on component configuration. If a parent component configuration exists, the valid positions defined for that class and part ID are listed first. Required if the part ID and suffix are classified as positional. Otherwise, this field is optional.

Part IDs are classified as positional on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Classifications screen.

Part ID

Identifier of the part. This field has a list box. Required only if the Position ID field is blank. Otherwise, optional. If the Child class field has a value, a template equipment ID is required.  

Part suffix

Suffix associated with the part ID. Required only if the Position ID field is blank. Otherwise, optional. If the Child class field has a value, a template equipment ID is required.