Consist Management

The Consist Management screen enables you to define consists. Each consist is date/time stamped for accuracy. This screen is useful for transits or other industries that operate several equipment units chained together in a series.

The Consist Management screen maintains history rows for every consist that has ever been active. The screen does not display these rows, however; you must specifically filter for them. The history record includes the begin date/time and end date/time that the equipment unit was in the consist.

To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.

Basic Info

Define new consists or update information about existing consists. Information tracked includes description, status, equipment list, date/time required, and date/time activated

More Info

Passenger and disabled passenger capacities; number of toilets and disabled passenger toilets


Date and time the initial record was input as well as the identifier of the user who performed the action. Also displays the date and time the record was last modified and identifies the user who performed the action