More Info

The More Info tab for copy/chain information enables you to define additional information about the new service level agreement ID.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data the software displays.

New service level agreement ID

Identifier of the new service level agreement. This field has a list box. Service level agreements are defined on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Service Level Agreements -> Primary Information screen.

Detail View

The data in the fields at the bottom section of this tab define requirement information about the service level agreement ID. All the fields display values from the source service level agreement (listed on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Service Level Agreements -> Primary Information screen). Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Minutes per requirements period

Length of each requirements period, in minutes. If the required number of units varies during a day, this is the shortest time period during which a different number of units is required. Otherwise, this is the number of minutes in the workday. This field is display only.

Number of future requirements periods to consider in equipment sharing

Number of future requirements periods for which the availability of units displays on the Status of Other Departments tab of the Data -> Equipment Management -> Service Level Agreements -> Equipment Status screen. This is useful when an equipment shortage requires management to consider equipment sharing from other departments.

Percentage of required units which is committed to be available

Percentage of equipment units required that fleet management commits to have available to the customer during each requirements period.

Percentage of requirements periods in which the commitment must be met

Percentage of requirements periods in the agreement term during which fleet management must meet its commitment regarding the percentage of required units available to the department.

Maximum minutes permitted after PM scheduled time before release of unit to shop

Maximum amount of time, in minutes, between the time at which preventive maintenance (PM) is scheduled for an equipment unit and the time the department must release it to the shop.