Currency Exchange

The Currency Exchange screen enables you to define both conversion rates and currency IDs for the local currency. To assign a user a currency and conversion rate that is different from the system's base currency, you must first use this screen to define the user's currency ID and specify the exchange rate between it and the base currency.

When you order or receive items, the system converts foreign prices to the system's base (usually local) currency and rounds the amount to the nearest lowest monetary unit (U.S. = cent). If you assign a different currency to users, when those users log on, the system converts the base currency to the currency specified for the logged-on user.

To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.

Basic Info

Information about currency IDs for the local currency

Conversion Rates

Current conversion rates to the organization’s base currency


See Also

To display and define the system's base currency, use the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab on the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.

To display and define user currency that differs from the system's base currency, use the Basic Info tab on the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> Users screen.