Edit Criteria - General

The Edit Criteria - General tab enables you to define general edit criteria, including date ranges, account ID requirements, and default year designation. You can also access optional wizards, such as a New Equipment wizard and a New Parts wizard, that streamline setup tasks.

Detail View

The fields in the Options section of this tab define the general edit criteria and provide access to optional wizards. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Maximum days from today for valid date entry

Controls how dates are edited; define a range of days in relation to the current date in the computer.


Maximum number of days, prior to the current date, for which a date is accepted in a date field.


Maximum number of days, after the current date, for which a date is accepted in a date field.

Account ID

System-wide requirement for information in account ID fields. This field has a list box:

The Active field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen specifies whether an account ID is active.

Require account group ID for account ID

If this field has a check, a valid account group ID is required in Account group ID fields. Refer to Account Group Codes.

Restrict account ID choicelist based on department supported accounts

If this field has a check, account ID choicelists only list the departments supported by the user's employee ID or operator ID. If the user has an employee ID and an operator ID, only those accounts supported by the employee ID are listed. The options are as follows:

Current year

Four-digit year that corresponds to the organization’s current year. Can be based on either the fiscal year or the calendar year. This value is the default year for work order IDs and purchase order IDs generated automatically. To update this value to the next year, click the Reset numbering for new year button on the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen.

Fiscal year end month

Number of the month (1–12) in which the organization’s fiscal year ends. If your fiscal year is July 1 through June 30, for example, specify 6.

Reset historical cost fiscal settings

The Reset historical cost fiscal settings button resets the fiscal year based on the start month setting.

Use RISC for Incident Management

If enabled, system will prevent updates to data via the Enterprise Portal screens and will use the RISC system for incident management.


This is the URL to use for RISC access and it is required if "Use RISC for Incident Management" is checked.