Condition Ratings

Condition ratings determine the State of Good Repair (SGR) score for an asset consisting of one or more parts. Each part has different rules and parameters that affect the asset's final score. Score components are user-definable and configurable by asset type.

Some assets, such as information technology (IT) assets, may only have a physical inspection rating, especially if they are not maintained regularly. More complicated assets that undergo regular maintenance may have several score components. An asset's score components are summed together to obtain a final score. The score may be 100; it may be greater than 100 if the asset is better than average with a life remaining greater than expected; or it may be less than 100 if the asset is worse than average with a life remaining less than expected.

Example of an individual asset's SGR score:

The Condition Ratings screen enables you to define condition ratings for equipment units and service requests and restrict ratings with asset categories. Condition ratings may be assigned to equipment units on the Status tab of any equipment screen (e.g., fleet, rail, stationary, linear, component). You also may assign them to a service request to track trends in condition changes. A condition rating entered on a service request does not update the condition rating on the equipment unit.

To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.

Basic Info

Define condition ratings and rankings

Asset Categories

Restrict condition ratings by asset category