Meter Source

The Meter Source screen enables you to define sources of meter readings.

Detail View Header

Meter source ID

Identifier of the source of the meter reading. Must be unique. This field has a list box of predefined source IDs:

Detail View

Required by the system -- cannot or deleted

If this field has a check, the meter source is predefined and may not be deleted or changed.

Update the last meter read source and date if the new meter reading is the same as the old reading

If this field has a check and the new meter reading is the same as the old reading, the last meter source and last meter read date and time are updated automatically on the Data -> Equipment Units  -> Fleet Equipment, Data -> Equipment Units -> Components -> Primary Information, Data -> Equipment Units -> Rail Equipment, and Data -> Equipment Units -> Stationary Equipment screens. Defaults to checked for all meter source IDs except SERVICE REQUEST, which defaults to blank.

For service requests, filter on a meter source ID of SERVICE REQUEST and process an update to set the field to blank (unchecked). For automated fueling, filter on a meter source ID of AUTO FUEL and process an update to set the field to blank (unchecked).