Fueling - Setup - Options

The Options screen for fueling enables you to display and define fuel information.

Detail View Header

Fuel tickets setup

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the fuel information. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Fuel markup percentages

Percentage of the cost of direct fuel charges added to fuel tickets. These overhead percentages help recover indirect costs associated with providing fuel to equipment units. Overhead percentages for internal and external charges (tickets for fuel purchased within and outside the company) are set and a specific set of rules followed to automatically add these percentages to the cost of each fuel ticket. See Rules for Markup Percentages. You can set these markup percentages either centrally for all your locations, or individually for each location. The format is xxx.x. For example, 13.4 specifies 13.4%.

Specify internal markup by location

Require fuel type on external fuel tickets

If this field has a check, information is required in the Fuel type fields on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> External Fuel Tickets screen.

Require state/province on external fuel tickets

If this field has a check, information is required in the State or province field on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> External Fuel Tickets screen, and automated fuel systems must include a data item that has been assigned a data type of STATE/PROVINCE on the Data Format tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Fueling -> Setup -> Automated Fuel Systems screen.

Do not require meter readings on internal fuel tickets

If this field has a check, a meter reading does not need to be entered on internal fuel tickets.

Process fuel transactions for unauthorized equipment units

If this field has a check, fuel tickets are processed for an equipment unit even if the Fuel tickets field on the Authorization tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen does not contain check for the equipment unit. These tickets are identified with a Y in the equip_not_authorized column of the Fuel Tickets (FTK_MAIN) table.

Warn if duplicate external ticket posted

If this field has a check, a warning message appears if you attempt to process an external fuel ticket transaction for the same equipment ID on the same date with the same values for fuel quantity, fuel cost, fluid/product quantity, fluid/product cost, and miscellaneous cost. You may cancel processing to enter different values, or you may bypass the warning and process the transaction anyway.

Use equipment on temporary loan to department ID

If this box is checked, and the equipment is on loan to another department, when fueling this piece of equipment, the fuel ticket will use the department where the equipment has been loaned to for the department ID.