Multiple formats for reports

When groups of users need different report formats to print data from the same screen, you can use the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> Report Groups and Users screens to meet those needs.

For example, two groups of users (Groups A and B) require a report from the Data -> Equipment Management -> Equipment Due for Service/Inspection screen (either by Equipment or by Location), but each group requires a different format. To format a report for each group, proceed as follows:

Step 1.  On the Queries/Reports -> Query Report Generator screen, create the two reports: PM Due Report A and PM Due Report B. As an alternative, you can use Web Modules Reporting or any other reporting tool sold separately (such as Microsoft Access) that can attach to the database. Refer to the related documentation for these products.

Step 2.  On the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> Report Groups screen, define two report groups, one for Group A and one for Group B, and assign them to the Data -> Equipment Management -> Equipment Due for Service/Inspection screen (either by Equipment or by Location).

Step 3.  On the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> Users screen, use the Basic Info tab to assign each user in Group A to the report group for Group A, and each user in Group B to the report group for Group B.

When a user in Group A requests the report, FASuite generates the PM Due Report A; when a user in Group B requests the report, FASuite generates PM Due Report B.

When a user from either group displays the Equipment Due for Service/Inspection screen (either by Equipment or by Location), FASuite activates the Print button in the screen’s toolbar. The user can then click the Print button to print the report formatted for his or her user group.