Basic Info

The Basic Info tab enables you to record and modify high-level information about an incident. It also lets you open new related or unrelated incident and associate child incidents with the parent incident.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of the Basic Info tab display the incident ID and the name of the user who recorded the incident. The top section also provides access to details of existing delays, alarms, unusual occurrences, injuries, and accidents.

Incident ID

System-assigned identifier for the incident. Display only.

Entered by

Identifier of the user who initially entered the incident. This field has a list box. The user's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right. If you leave this field blank, it auto-populates with your user ID when you save the record.

View details

This incident management screen displays all types of incidents. To view details specific to an incident that has a type other than INCIDENT, click the View details button. The appropriate incident screen will appear. For example, if the incident type is UNUSUAL OCC, you can click the View details button to access the Data -> Incident Management -> Unusual Occurrences screen for the incident.

Incident type

Overall category for the incident. This field has a list box:

Detail View

The fields in the bottom section of the tab enable you to provide high-level information about the incident. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.


The status of the incident. This field has a predefined list of statuses:

Incident category

The category of the incident.


The weather conditions at the time of the incident. Optional. This field has a list box:  

Weather conditions are defined on the Data -> Incident Management -> Setup -> Weather screen.


The temperature at the time of the incident. This field is optional.

Service impacted

If this field has a check, service was affected by the incident.

Offload required

If this field has a check, the passengers were offloaded.


Entity responsible for causing the incident. This field is optional. This field has a list box:

Entities that might be responsible for causing incidents are defined on the Data -> Incident Management -> Setup -> Responsibility Types screen.


Main symptom exhibited by the equipment involved in the incident. If generating a service request from an incident, this field is required; otherwise, it is optional. If a symptom is entered, it will be included on the generated service request. This field has a list box. Choice-list options are restricted by the equipment's asset category for the equipment ID.

Incident screens without an asset ID listed on the basic information tab will require the symptom to have the flag "Supports service request or incident with no asset" enabled. Entering a symptom without this enabled when the asset ID is empty will present the user with a validation stating the symptom does not support an incident with no asset.

Symptoms are defined and the previously mentioned check-box can be found on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Symptoms screen.

Date and time occurred

Date and time the incident occurred. The field defaults to the current date and time, but you can change it.

Date and time reported

Date and time the incident was reported. The field defaults to the current date and time, but you can change it.

Date and time closed

Date and time the incident was closed. The field defaults to the current date and time when you select the status CLOSED.


Identifier of the operator responsible for the equipment at the time of the incident. This field is optional. This field has a list box, which includes both employees and operators. If defined, the person's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Reported by

Identifier of the person who reported the incident. You may enter either an employee ID or operator ID. This field is optional. This field has a list box. If defined, the person's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Inspector employee ID

Identifier of the person who determined the importance of the incident. This field is optional. This field has a list box. If defined, the person's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment involved in the incident. Optional. This field has a list box. If defined, the equipment name displays in the unlabeled field below this field.

Consist ID

The identifier of the consist.


Incident's priority. This field is optional. This field has a list box:  

Incident priorities are defined on the Data -> Incident Management -> Setup -> Priorities screen.

Parent incident ID

If this incident is associated with an existing parent incident, the parent incident ID displays in this field. You also can enter a parent incident ID. This field has a zoom button to the parent incident.

Responsible location ID

This field is populated with the user's session location when inserting a new record.

Open a new unrelated incident

Opens the Incident Management Wizard, which prompts you to specify an incident type.

After you select an incident type from the Incident Type drop-down list and click OK, the system displays the applicable incident screen in Insert mode so that you can open a new unrelated incident of the specified type. For example, if you select incident type DELAY, the system displays the Data -> Incident Management -> Delays screen.

Open a new incident related to this incident

Initiates the Incident Management Wizard, which prompts you to specify an incident type.

After you select an incident type from the Incident Type drop-down list and click OK, the system displays the applicable incident screen in Insert mode so that you can open a related incident of the specified type. For example, if you select incident type DELAY, the system displays the Data -> Incident Management -> Delays screen.

All appropriate data from the originating incident will be transferred to the related incident entry. The Parent incident ID field on the new screen displays the incident ID from the originating incident.