More Info

The More Info tab enables you to record and modify additional information about an incident, such as schedule ID, trip ID, portion of run, marker and segment ID, reporting classification, and individuals who were notified.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of the More Info tab display the incident ID and the name of the user who recorded the incident. These fields are display only.

Incident ID

System-assigned identification number for the incident.  

Entered by

Identification code of the user who initially entered the incident. The user's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Detail View

The fields in the bottom section of the tab enable you to provide additional information about the incident. All fields are optional.

Schedule ID

Identifier for the schedule to which the incident applies. This field has a list box of schedules that have an effective date that is either the same as or earlier than the date and time that the incident occurred and either do not have a discontinued date or have a discontinued date that is later than the date and time that the incident occurred.

Schedule IDs and the discontinued date are defined on the Data -> Operations -> Schedules screen.

Trip ID

Identifier of the associated trip record. Optional, but must be valid for the given schedule ID if entered.

Additional information

Free-form text field in which you can type additional information.

Portion of run

Indicates at which point in the run the incident occurred. The options are:

Reporting classification

Classification for Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)-reportable events. This field has a list box:

If the incident is related to the power brake, select POWER BRAKE. If the incident is not reportable, select NOT FRA REPORTABLE. Reporting classifications are hard-coded in the system and cannot be changed by users.

Stop ID

Identifier of the stop where the incident occurred. This field has a list box. If a schedule ID is entered, the stop ID choice list is limited to those stops defined for the route assigned to the schedule ID.  

Marker ID

Identifier of the milepost where the incident occurred. If a stop ID is entered, the marker ID must be valid for that stop. This field has a list box. If a segment is entered, the marker ID choice list is based on that segment.

Segment ID

Identifier of the section of track where the incident occurred. This field has a list box. If a stop ID is entered, the segment ID must be valid for that stop.


Specifies the distance from the marker where the incident occurred. This field has a list box. If a segment ID is entered, the offset must be valid for that segment.

Line ID

Identifier of the rail line that applies to the incident. This field has a list box. The line description displays to the right of the ID.


Latitude reading where the incident occurred. Maximum field length is 25 characters.


Longitude reading where the incident occurred. Maximum field length is 25 characters.

Notified Data Table

The Notified screen group enables you to specify who was notified regarding the incident.


If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.

Contact type

Specifies who was contacted about the incident. This field has a list box:  

If you specify a contact type, you must complete either the Employee ID field or the Name field.

Employee ID

Employee identification code. This field has a list box of active employees.


If the Employee ID field is filled, displays the name of the employee whose ID was specified. If the Employee ID field is blank (i.e., the person is not an employee in your organization), you can type a name. The maximum field length is 25 characters.

Phone number

The contact's area code and phone number. Maximum field length is 30 characters.


Status of the attempt to notify the contact person regarding the incident. This field has a list box:

Date and time notified

Date and time the contact person was notified. Defaults to the current date and time when you enter a value in the Contact type field.

Date and time arrived

Date and time the contact person arrived at the incident.