Units Available (Units Available)

The Units Available tab displays information about the units available in the motor pool. See Rules of motor pool availability.

Detail View Header

The top section of this tab defines the data that displays. All fields are display only.

Pool vehicle type

Type of vehicle specified in the filter. This field has a list box.

Dispatch location ID

Valid identifier of the location specified in the filter and that dispatches the equipment unit. This location must have a check in the Pool (dispatch) field on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the ID.

Detail View

The bottom section of this tab provides information about the units available in the location. All fields are display only.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment unit available. This field displays all equipment units that meet the Rules of motor pool availability.


Manufacturer of the equipment unit.


Model of the equipment unit. This field has a maximum character limit of 30.


Year of the equipment unit.

Last reservation ID

Identifier of the last reservation under which the unit was dispatched.

Last date and time out

Date and time at which the equipment unit was last dispatched.

Last date and time in

Date and time at which the equipment unit was last returned.

Last meter 1 out

Reading on the equipment unit’s meter 1 at last dispatch.

Last meter 1 in

Reading on the equipment unit’s meter 1 at last return.

Last meter 1 reading

Latest reading on the equipment unit’s meter 1.

Next PM due date

Date on which the next preventive maintenance (PM) service is due on the equipment unit.