C/C/C Info (Multi-unit Projects - Primary Information)

The C/C/C Info tab enables you to view and record complaint (symptom), cause (fail code), and correction (work accomplished code) information on service requests on multi-unit projects. (Complaint, cause, and correction is commonly referred to as 3C.)

General C/C/C Info Tab Information

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of the tab define the data that displays.

Project ID

Identifier of the project currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. If the ID already exists, the project description displays to the right of the ID.


The status of the project. This field is display only.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab provide additional information about the complaint, cause, and correction. All fields are optional.


Symptom associated with the service request. This field has a list box. The symptom description displays to the right. If the project had a symptom when the service request or work order was generated, it cannot be removed from this tab.

Symptoms are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Symptoms screen.

Manufacturer complaint ID

Manufacturer-specific complaint code. This field has a list box. The complaint code description displays to the right. Manufacturer complaint codes are defined on the Data -> Warranty -> Setup -> Manufacturer Complaint Codes screen.

Comment - Shop

Free-form text field for shop comments. If the Symptom field has an entry, a description of the symptom is the first entry in this field.

Comment - Warranty

Free-form text field for warranty administrator complaint comments.


Reason for or cause of the failure. This field has a list box, whose choices are restricted based on the equipment unit's asset category and symptom. The fail/cause code description displays to the right.

Fail/cause codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Failure/Cause Codes screen. Task IDs are associated with asset categories on the Asset Categories tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen. The Asset Categories tab also specifies whether asset category restrictions are in effect for a specific work accomplished code.

Manufacturer cause ID

Manufacturer-specific cause code. This field has a list box. The cause code description displays to the right. Manufacturer cause codes are defined on the Data -> Warranty -> Setup -> Manufacturer Cause Codes screen.

Comment - Shop

Free-form text field for shop cause comments. If the Fail/cause field has an entry, a description of the fail/cause is the first entry in this field.

Comment - Warranty

Free-form text field for warranty administrator cause comments.

Correction - Shop

Free-form text field in which you can enter shop correction comments.

Correction - Warranty

Free-form text field for warranty administrator correction comments.

Causal part ID

Identifier of the part that caused the failure. This field has a list box. If the part ID already exists, its description displays in the unlabeled field to the right. You can also enter a part ID in this field.

Part IDs are defined on the Data -> Parts Items ->  Primary Information screen.


Suffix associated with the causal part, if any.


Description of the causal part, if any.