
The Stops tab enables you to record and view details about stops, including number of passengers, bicycles, disabled persons, and standees. If preferred, you can instead enter all schedule stop information manually. If you enter passenger on/off data by stop, your total passenger and peak passenger counts can be calculated automatically and displayed on this tab. If you only track totals for the entire trip, you can enter those counts manually.

Actual trip information will not be defaulted to scheduled information until a user initiates it.

The application supports automatic calculation of total number of passengers and peak number of passengers if you track passenger on/off data by stop.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of the tab define the information that displays.

Schedule ID

Identifier of the schedule. This field has a list box. The schedule description displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.

Schedule IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Operations -> Schedules screen.

Trip ID

Sequential numeric identifier for the trip. Automatically assigned by the application. This field is display only.

Detail View

The fields in the bottom section of the tab provide summary information and enable you to record details about each stop. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.

Passengers - total

Total number of passengers on the trip. This value is calculated automatically, but only if the number of passengers who got on and off at each stop was recorded. The maximum field length is six characters. This field is display only.

Passengers - peak

Maximum number of passengers onboard at one time. This value is calculated automatically, but only if the number of passengers who got on and off at each stop was recorded. The maximum field length is six characters. This field is display only.


Maximum number of passengers who stood (as opposed to had a seat) on the trip. This value is calculated automatically if there is a check in the Automatically calculate standee count on trips field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Operations -> Setup -> Options screen. The maximum field length is six characters. This field is display only.


Total number of disabled persons on the trip. This value is calculated automatically. The maximum field length is six characters. This field is display only.


Total number of bicycles brought onboard. This value is calculated automatically. The maximum field length is six characters. This field is display only.

Other 1

Text field. This field is display only.

Other 2

Text field. This field is display only.

Other 3

Text field. This field is display only.

Other 4

Text field. This field is display only.

Other 5

Text field. This field is display only.

Stops Table

The screen group in the bottom section of the tab enables you to record details about each stop. This information is used to populate the preceding fields. Unless otherwise indicated, all fields are optional.

Stop ID

Identifier of the stop. This field has a list box of stops on the specified route.

Stop description

Description of the stop. Populates automatically based on the stop ID. This field is display only.

Scheduled arrival time

Scheduled time of arrival at the stop in HH:MM:SS format. Populates automatically if there is a check (ü) in the Default stop information from route field on the Stops tab of the Data -> Operations -> Schedules screen.

Actual arrival time

Actual time of arrival at the stop in HH:MM:SS format. When this information is updated, the time on the Basic Info tab for the main trip updates automatically.

Scheduled departure time

Scheduled time of departure from the stop in HH:MM:SS format. Populates automatically if there is a check (ü) in the Default stop information from route field on the Stops tab of the Data -> Operations -> Schedules screen.

Actual departure time

Actual time of departure from the stop in HH:MM:SS format. When this information is updated, the time on the Basic Info tab for the main trip updates automatically.

Passengers on

Number of passengers who boarded the train.

Passengers off

Number of passengers who got off the train.

Disabled on

Number of disabled passengers who boarded the train.

Disabled off

Number of disabled passengers who got off the train.


Number of standees (equal to passenger-peak minus passenger-capacity). Calculated automatically after you click Save.

Bicycles on

Number of bicycles that were brought on the train.

Bicycles off

Number of bicycles that were taken off the train.

Other 1

Text field that you may use to track or count whatever you want. The maximum field length is six characters.

Other 2

Text field that you may use to track or count whatever you want. The maximum field length is six characters.

Other 3

Text field that you may use to track or count whatever you want. The maximum field length is six characters.

Other 4

Text field that you may use to track or count whatever you want. The maximum field length is six characters.

Other 5

Text field that you may use to track or count whatever you want. The maximum field length is six characters.