Personal Info

The Personal Info tab enables you to display and record personal information about equipment unit operators.

The Primary Information screen supports department-level and location-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Operator ID

Identifier of the operator currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. If you do not have operator numbers, you might consider using an e-mail address or a number that identifies the office or shop to which the operator is assigned. Operator IDs up to 50 characters are supported. Not all screens can display the full 50 characters, but the field will accept the entry.

This field has a list box. If the ID already exists, the operator name displays to the right of the ID.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define personal information about the operator. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.


Name of the operator. This name displays on several screens when you specify the operator ID on those screens.

Address ID

Identifier of the address used for the department. If an address ID is entered, the address ID information will be used instead of address lines 1-4. Detailed address information for address IDs is set up on the Addresses screen.


Address or post office of the operator. Optional, free-format area.

Line 2, 3, 4

Additional lines for the address.

Home phone

Home telephone number. Maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.

Mobile phone

Cell phone number. Maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.

Pager number

Telephone number of the operator's pager. Maximum field length is 30 characters. When you specify the operator ID on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Call Center -> Call Center screen, this number displays in the Pager phone field on that tab.

Fax number

Number of the operator's fax machine. Maximum field length is 30 characters. This field is optional.

Address ID

The identifier of the address currently being used for the operator. This field has a list box. The address description displays to the right of the ID.

Social security number

Operator’s social security number. This field is optional.


Manner of address (e.g., Mr., Ms.). This field is optional.

Date of birth

Date of the operator's birth in MM/DD/YYYY format. This field is optional.


Operator's gender. This field has a list box of MALE and FEMALE. This field is optional.