Overview - Telematics

Vehicles are increasingly controlled by computers that use sensors located throughout the engine, transmission, and other major assemblies to constantly monitor the component. A vehicle’s electronic control unit (ECU) acts as the server on the vehicle and stores the operating data and faults generated by the many sensors connected to it. The operating parameter data, diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), global positioning system (GPS) location information, and other electronic vehicle data are collectively referred to as telemetry or telematics.

Many different tools and communication methods are available to enable vehicle operators to access the data being stored in the ECU and use that information to monitor vehicle performance and manage maintenance. Examples include GPS-based vehicle locating systems that transmit ECU data along with the location of the vehicle; engine diagnostic tools that connect directly to the ECU and download stored data; and in-cab solutions that alert drivers to vehicle parameters and trouble codes.

The Telematics module provides a standard process for managing telemetry data.

Telematics enables you to:

Telematics offers the following benefits:

The FuelFocus and KeyValet adapters are included with the Telematics module. The FuelFocus VDC (vehicle data collector; collects telemetry data) is included with the purchase of VDC and the Telematics module. You must purchase an adapter for each service provider that will be sending data, and you can add adapters to support any vendor that can provide an XML-based data string.