External Identifiers

The External Identifiers tab enables you to create and update the identifiers that an external account uses to identify the organization's account.

Detail View Header

The top section of the External Identifiers tab displays the account ID.

Account ID

Account ID previously identified or created on the Basic Info tab. The account ID name displays to the right. This field is read only.

Detail View

Data in the bottom section of this tab define basic information about the external account identifier. These fields are optional.

External account identifier

Identifier that an external account uses to identify the account. The maximum field length is 100 characters.

External credit account

Identifier of an external credit account. The maximum field length is 100 characters.

External debit account

Identifier of an external debit account. The maximum field length is 100 characters.

The following 12-character fields may be used instead of or in addition to the external account identifier in reports or integrations to external systems, depending on your organization's policies.