Parts - Status Transfers

The Status Transfers screen enables you to move parts (and their associated value) from one status (suffix) to another. The system deletes the quantity and value from the inventory of one part/suffix combination and adds it to the inventory of another part/suffix combination. You also can use this screen to transfer stock from inventory to a vendor (with warranty claim information, core awaiting warranty) or to disposal (scrapped).

The Status Transfers screen has one tab, Basic Info.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of the Basic Info tab define the data the software displays.

Location ID

Identifier of the location at which the status transfer is to occur. The location must be a parts location, and you must be authorized to process parts inventory transactions at it. This field has a list box. The location description displays to right of the ID. This field is required.

Locations are identified on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

Part ID

Identifier of the part to which the status change applies. The ID is associated with the part suffix. This field has a list box. The part description displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.

If you enter a valid cross-reference entry for the part ID/suffix, the first Suffix field in the bottom section of the tab populates automatically.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of the tab specify the old and new statuses and provide more information about the part. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.

Old status

The status of the stock at the specified location. When you specify a status (either by entering one or by specifying a suffix), the New status field displays a list of statuses based on the old status. For more information, refer to the list of new status options.


Suffix associated with the old (existing) status. This field is required. If you leave the Old status field blank and enter a suffix in this field, the Old status field populates automatically.

New status

New status of the part. If you leave the (new) Suffix field blank and enter a status in this field, the applicable (new) suffix displays automatically.


Suffix associated with the new status. Required. If you leave the New status field blank and enter a suffix in this field, a list of (new) statuses displays from which to choose.

Serial number

Serial number of part. This field has a list box. Required for serialized parts.


Quantity of part to be transferred. Cannot exceed the quantity on hand. If the part is serialized, the quantity must be 1.

Unit price

Unit price of part to be added into inventory at the new location. Auto-populates based on the quantity, dependent on the pricing method used. This field is display only. For more information, refer to unit price as determined by pricing method.

The inventory pricing method is specified on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen.


Monetary value of part to be transferred. Auto-populates based on quantity multiplied by unit price. This field is display only.

Vendor ID

Name of the part vendor. This field has a list box. The vendor name displays to the right of the ID. Required if the old status is CORE-WARRANTY.

Warranty claim ID

Identifier of the warranty claim. This field has a list box. The warranty claim description displays to the right of the ID. Required if the old status is CORE-WARRANTY.

Reason code

Reason for the adjustment. This field has a list box. The reason code description displays to the right of the ID.

Account ID

Identifier of the account to which the transfer applies. This field has a list box. The account ID name displays below the ID.


Free-form text field in which you can enter comments regarding the transfer. The maximum field length is 60 characters.