Stocking Tickets

This screen allows you to create stocking ticket IDs. Stocking tickets are a record of putting parts into inventory or taking parts out of inventory. You can manually insert stocking tickets at any time. The system will generate stocking tickets if the location option on the Work Orders-More Info tab called Require confirmation of removed cored from work orders into inventory is set to FINISH or CLOSE. This generating of tickets only happens when a part issues to a work order and that part issue indicates a core was where the core is kept for either warranty purposes or to be rebuilt.

You can manage stocking tickets retention levels through the Table Management screen. You can set stocking tickets retention levels to either never remove, delete, or archive.

Detail Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Stocking ticket ID

This displays the number of the stock ticket you are creating or looking at. When you create a new stocking ticket, a new Stocking Ticket ID is automatically created in this box and is assigned to the ticket when it is saved.

Detail View

In the detail header area, the stocking ticket ID is shown.

Date and time

The date and time this ticket is created unless you choose a different time from the menu.

Location ID

Identifier of the location currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the ID.

Part ID

This is the identifier of the part. This field has a list box. Part IDs and suffixes associated with components must be serialized. This field is required.

Part suffix

The number associated with the part ID, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID. This is display only (from the filter).

Serial number

This is the serial number of the part and is only required for part id-suffixes that have a part classification that indicates the part is serialized.

Lot number

This is the sequence number of the lot. For the most part, this field is display only. Lot number is editable when you enter a part that is tracked in a lot and first in first out, or last in last out (FIFO/LILO). In this case, if you enter a negative quantity, that means a part is being removed from stock, and then the lot number if required to tell the system which lot the part if coming from.


The number of parts for this stocking ticket. A positive quantity indicates parts are being put into inventory while a negative quantity indicates parts are being removed from inventory.

Unit price

The price for one of the parts affected by this stocking ticket.


Total value of the units affected by the stocking ticket.

Reason code

This code describes the reason for the adjustment of the stocking ticket.


Enter comments for the stocking ticket here.