
This tab was renamed from EOQ (economic order quantity) to Replenishment in version 17.0.

This tab for parts primary information enables you to define EOQ information for the part. The EOQ model minimizes the total costs of inventory by balancing the cost of holding and the cost of re-ordering inventory.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.

Part ID

Identifier of the part currently selected in the grid or that you are defining.

The part ID may only consist of valid bar code characters. This field has a zoom button to the Data -> Parts Items -> Cross-references screen, which defines cross-references of part IDs. It also has a list box. The part description displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.

The combination of this part ID and the part suffix must be unique for each part.

Part suffix

Number associated with the part in the Part ID field, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID. This identification applies only if the part ID is a valid part ID.

New part/location/inventory

If you are entering a new part, you can click the New part/location/inventory button to launch the Add New Part wizard. The wizard will walk you through specifying the required data for the Part Primary, Part Location, and Inventory Adjustment screens.

Detail View

Data in the fields on the bottom section of this tab define EOQ information for the part. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Perform EOQ calculation

Specifies whether EOQ values should be calculated for this part. This field has a list box.

If there is a check in the Economic order quantity calculations field on the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen, the selection you make in this field is treated as follows:

Other options that affect this selection are as follows:

Other parameters that affect EOQ processing are specified on the General tab of the Setup -> Parts Items -> Options screen.

Reorder point

Quantity (economic order quantity, in units of issue) at which an order is to be placed for this part.

If the Perform EOQ calculation field specifies YES, the reorder point is calculated when the standard EOQ calculation runs (refer to the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen).

Reorder quantity

Quantity (economic order quantity, in units of issue) when you reorder this part.

If the Perform EOQ calculation field specifies YES, the reorder quantity is calculated when the standard EOQ calculation runs (refer to the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen).

If the General tab of the Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies to manage parts CENTRALLY, inventory and order information at ALL locations is used to compute the reorder quantity, which displays in this field. You can change the value. To prevent the value from being recalculated and destroying the value you set, specify NO in the Perform EOQ calculation field.

Safety stock level

Level (in units of issue) below which inventory for this part should never fall except to cover delivery delays from vendors.

If the Perform EOQ calculation field specifies YES, the safety stock level is calculated when the standard EOQ calculation runs (refer to the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen).

If the General tab of the Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen specifies to manage parts CENTRALLY, inventory and order information at ALL locations is used to compute the safety stock level, which displays in this field. You can change the value. To prevent the value from being recalculated and destroying the value you set, specify NO in the Perform EOQ calculation field.

This field contains information about the relationship between the ABC code and the calculated safety stock levels. The value in the ABC code field is used to calculate the level. If the number of stockouts permitted per year (specified on the EOQ tab of the Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen) exceeds 50% of the number of orders of a part expected in a year (number of orders = average yearly usage divided by reorder quantity), the safety stock level is set to zero.

ABC code

Inventory management classification for this part. Any letter from A to Z is valid. This field is optional.

If you want to use the Economic order quantity calculations option on the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen to calculate economic order quantities, you should also use this ABC code classification approach, because the maximum number of stockouts per year permitted for EOQ calculation is defined in terms of the ABC code for the part.

For parts with no ABC code or a code other than A, B, or C, the EOQ routines use the maximum number of stockouts for OTHER when they calculate EOQ for that part.

The maximum number of stockouts per year is specified on the EOQ tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen.