How to add screen shortcuts to the personal view

To add screen shortcuts to the personal view pane:

Step 1.   In the Personal View column, select a folder to which you want to add the shortcut to a screen. (If no folder exists, you must make one. Each shortcut must be within a folder.)

Step 2.  Click Add Screen >>.

The Add Screen dialog box appears. FASuite menu items appear in the Screens column.

Step 3.  To view the screens on each menu, click the + (plus sign) to the left of the menu name.

Step 4.   Select the screen that you want quick access to, and then click Add.

A shortcut to the screen displays in the Selected Items column.

Step 5.   Repeat the previous steps until you have created all the shortcuts you want.

Step 6.   To close the Add Screen dialog box, click OK.

The Personal View Setup dialog box appears with the added screens.

Step 7.   Click OK to close the Personal View Setup screen.

Step 8.   From the Preferences menu, select Personal View, and then select Save.