Basic Info

The Basic Info tab enables you to specify general information about parts ordered from vendors, such as purchase/issue factor, current order unit price, price type, and warranty start. If you are using Enterprise Purchasing, you also can define different unit prices or discount percentages by quantity range or unit of measure.

Vendor/parts records are created automatically when a new part is inserted on either the Primary Information (Parts Items) screen (i.e., manage parts CENTRALLY) or Location Information (Parts Items) screen (i.e., manage parts BY LOCATION or BY ENTERPRISE) and a preferred vendor ID is specified.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.

Vendor ID

Identifier of the vendor of the part. This field has a list box. It must be a vendor who provides parts or parts repairs and rebuilds (refer to the Functions tab on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen). The vendor name displays to the right of the ID.

Part ID

Identifier of the part. The ID is associated with the part suffix. This field has a list box. The part description displays to the right of the ID.

Part suffix

Part suffix associated with the part in the Part ID field. This suffix is automatically assigned to a part ID to distinguish it from a different part with the same part ID. This field is display only.

Detail View

Data in the fields on the bottom section of this tab specify information about ordering the part. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Unit of purchase

Identifier of the unit of measure for purchases of this part. This field has a list box. The unit description displays to the right of the ID. Optional if you manage BY ENTERPRISE; otherwise, required.

Purchase/issue factor

Ratio between the order unit of measure and the receipt/issue unit of measure. This field manages the bulk ordering of parts.

If the factor is 12, every order quantity of 1 consists of 12 units of the part. For example, you may order 1 box of switches and the vendor may pack 12 switches to a box, charging $12 for each box.

Manufacturer part number

Part number assigned by the manufacturer. Optional, but entering a value will create a two-way cross reference between the part ID/suffix and the manufacturer part number. Cross-reference relationships between parts display on the Data -> Parts Items -> Cross-references screen.

Current order unit price

Current unit price the vendor charges for the part. Must be greater than or equal to zero.

If there is no contract with the vendor to supply the part for a specific price and the expiration date has not yet been reached, this value displays in the Gross unit price field on the following screens:

Price type

Identifier of the price type that describes the current order unit price. This field has a list box. The price type description displays to the right of the ID. Optional if you manage BY ENTERPRISE; otherwise, required.

Price types are defined on the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Price Types screen.

Expiration date

Date the vendor’s price on the current order for the part expires. This field is optional.


Free-format area. This field is optional.

Warranty start

Start of the warranty period for the part. This field has a list box:

Entry complete

Additional information regarding data entry on this tab. This field is display only.

Approved vendor for part

If this field has a check, the vendor is approved for stock part purchases. This field is used if there is a check in the Require approved vendor for STOCK PART line items field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen.

Vendor rank

Discount percentage

Discount percentage that the vendor offers on the part (perhaps for high volume purchases).

Vendor discount percentages for parts are defined on the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Parts Prices screen.

Surcharge percentage

Surcharge percentage applicable to orders of this part from this vendor (perhaps for hard-to-get parts). See discount and surcharge formula.

If you have contract pricing or discount levels with a vendor, you can define them in the screen group. You can define a specific unit price for a quantity range and/or a discount percentage for a quantity range. You also can define units of measure that differ from the part’s stocked unit of measure, such as specific pricing for a case. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.

Basic Info Table


To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save.

Unit of measure

Unit of measure for which you want to specify a different unit price or discount percentage. This field has a list box. Required.


Text description of the unit of measure. Auto-populates when a unit of measure is selected. This field is display only.

Qty range low

Minimum quantity required to qualify for discount. If specified, must be greater than or equal to zero.  

Qty range high

Maximum quantity allowed to qualify for discount. If specified, must be greater than or equal to zero.

Unit price

Price of an individual unit for the unit of measure. If specified, must be greater than or equal to zero.

Discount percent

Discount percentage offered by the vendor (perhaps for high-volume purchases). Optional, but must be greater than or equal to zero if entered for non-commercial items.