Basic Info

The Basic Info tab enables you to define service statuses for use on work orders. If an equipment unit has attached components, the service status is applied to them as well. Conversely, if the service status of an equipment unit or attached component is changed, the service status of the attached component (or components) or parent equipment unit is also changed.

If the service status denotes that the equipment is in service, the equipment status is automatically set to IN SERVICE. Otherwise, the equipment status is set to IN SHOP. Once all work orders for an equipment unit have a status of either WORK FINISHED or CLOSED, the service status is set to either WORK FINISHED or IN SERVICE. The IN SERVICE status is assigned if there is a check in the Perform SLA out of service and in shop processing from work order screens field on the Work Orders - Options tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

If an equipment unit has attached components or is attached to a parent equipment unit, the service status is applied to all attached equipment units.

Detail View Header

The top section of the Basic Info tab displays the service status either currently selected in the grid or that you are defining.

Service status

The service status. Each service status must be unique. The maximum field length is 10 characters. This field is required. This field has a list box. If the service status already exists, its description displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define additional parameters associated with the service status. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.


Description of the service status. If a description exists, it displays in the unlabeled field to the right of the Service status field.

No downtime will accumulate for open work orders with this status

If this field has a check, downtime does not accumulate automatically for open work orders with this service status.

This option works in conjunction with the Stop shop downtime when work order is in delay for this reason field on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup  -> Work Delay Codes screen. If either the delay or the service status denotes that no downtime should accumulate, then downtime stops. Downtime restarts only if both the service status and the current delay (if any) specify that it should.

Equipment available for motor pool dispatch if open work order exists with this status

If this field has a check, the equipment unit is available for motor pool dispatch even if it has open work orders.

Do not allow equipment to be assigned to an active consist

If this field has a check, the equipment unit cannot be assigned to an active consist when the equipment is in the shop.

Unit is available for service

If this field is blank, the equipment unit to which this service status applies is unavailable for service. If the equipment unit is associated with a vehicle, that vehicle will also be out of service.


Numerical rank of the service status, with 1 being the highest. Allows service status to affect an equipment unit's status and ensures that vehicles with multiple open work orders are counted only once. The highest ranking service status assigned to each open work order for an equipment unit is also applied to that unit.


If this field has a check, the service status is active.

Default part request priority ID

Identifier of the part request priority ID. Defaults from the work order's service status. Only used on requests for the work order. Included on the printer output message. This field has a list box. The priority description displays to the right of the ID. This field is optional.

Priority codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Priority Codes screen.