Asset Categories

The Asset Categories tab enables you to associate specific asset categories with symptoms or specify that the symptom supports all asset categories. The symptom choice lists on various screens are restricted based on the equipment unit's asset category. You can also specify a default shop location for service requests and define a default priority code at the asset category/symptom level. For example, if A/C NOT WORKING is a high priority for fixed route buses but not for work trucks, you can define it as such on this tab.

To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on symptom, severity comment, default shop location ID, default priority ID, work management classification, asset category ID, and reporting source ID. Filtering on reporting source and asset category, for example, may provide the most appropriate list of possible symptoms for a particular situation.

Detail View Header

The top section of the tab displays the symptom currently selected in the grid or that you are defining.


Identifier of the symptom. Display only from the Basic Info tab. The symptom name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the asset category associated with the symptom. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.

Supports all asset categories

If this field has a check, the symptom is supported by all asset categories.

Enforce asset category restrictions for this symptom

If this field has a check, the symptom may only be used on a work order for an equipment unit that has an asset category supported by the symptom.

Supported asset categories Data Table

The Supported asset categories screen group enables you to associate asset categories, default shop locations, default priorities, and work management classifications with specific symptoms. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.


If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save.

Asset category ID

Identifier of the asset category. This field has a list box.


Description of the asset category. This field is display only.

Default shop location ID

Identifier of the default shop location for service requests created for the symptom. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

You may want to specify a default location if your operation is relatively localized and you have specialized shops for different types of subcomponents or issues. For example, if you have a tire shop that only does tire maintenance, service requests for tire-related issues can be routed directly to the tire shop regardless of the equipment unit's assigned repair location.

Work management classification

Identifier of the work management classification. This field has a list box. The classification description displays to the right of the ID.

Work management classifications are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Management Classification screen.

Default priority ID

Identifier of the default priority for the symptom. This field has a list box, limited to priorities with a Work orders/shop priority function.

When a service request with a symptom is added, the following hierarchy is used to determine the default priority ID:

The first value found is the one that is used. If both task and symptom are present, task takes priority. For multi-unit projects: if the project has a priority code, that takes precedence over the aforementioned hierarchy.

Priority IDs and their functions are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Priority Codes screen.

Priority description

Text description of the priority ID. Auto-populates after you enter a priority ID. This field is display only.