Procedure Info

The Procedure Info tab provides a text field in which you can record additional tips or troubleshooting procedures for a symptom. For example, if a car with an automatic transmission will not start, the first step might be to determine whether the gear shift is in Park. Providing tips could forestall the cost and time of a road call.

To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on symptom, severity comment, default shop location ID, default priority ID, work management classification, asset category ID, and reporting source ID. Filtering on reporting source and asset category, for example, may provide the most appropriate list of possible symptoms for a particular situation.

Detail View Header


Identifier of the symptom. Display only from the Basic Info tab. The symptom's name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Detail View

Symptom procedure information Text Field

The Symptom procedure information text field enables you to record troubleshooting tips for symptoms. This field is optional.