Related Symptoms

The Related Symptoms tab enables you to view the underlying symptoms associated with a high-level symptom and create parent symptoms.

To limit the display of information in the grid and maximize performance, use the filter. You can sort on symptom, severity comment, default shop location ID, default priority ID, work management classification, asset category ID, and reporting source ID. You may also choose to filter on low-level symptoms only.

Detail View Header

The top section of the tab displays the symptom currently selected in the grid or that you are defining.


Identifier of the symptom. Display only from the Basic Info tab. The symptom name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab list related symptoms. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.

This symptom to be used only as a parent to related symptoms

If this field has a check, the symptom should be used only as a parent symptom.

Related Symptoms Data Table


If this field has a check, the entire row is deleted when you click Save. You may not delete a symptom in use as a related symptom.

Related symptom

Text description of the related symptom. This field has a list box.