
The Comments tab provides free-form text fields that may contain information about the work order or task.

Detail View Header

The fields in the shared window of the Comments tab display information from the work order. These fields are read only.

Work order ID

Three-part field containing the work order ID.

Job status

Status of the job.

Current work delay

Identifier of the type of work delay. The record type displays to the right of the field.

Job/task type

Type of job or task for the work order.

Task location

Identifier of the task location. Task IDs are associated with locations on the Locations tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen.

Detail View

The bottom section of the tab includes text fields that may provide more information about the work order or task. These fields are display only.

Task comments

Text field that provides more information about the task (information is from the task on the work order).

Work order comments

Text field that displays the comments (if any) printed on the work order.

Service request description

First 60 characters of comment text entered as part of the service request on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Service Requests/Defects screen.