Employees - Renumbering

The Renumbering screen for employees enables you to insert changes to employee IDs. You can also merge information from one employee ID to another as part of the renumbering process.

When you process an insert on this screen, all occurrences of the Old employee ID in the database are replaced with the value in the New employee ID field (including the history of entries made under the old employee ID). This process may take a considerable amount of time, depending on the number of database entries for the old employee ID.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab specify the change. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Old employee ID

Old identifier of the employee. It must be a valid employee ID. This field has a list box. The employee name displays to the right of the ID. Employee IDs are assigned on the Personal Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Employees -> Primary Information screen.

New employee ID

Employee's new identifier. To merge the history of the old employee ID into the new employee ID, the latter must already be defined. If it is already defined, the employee name displays to the right of the ID.

Confirm merge – renumber to an existing vendor ID

If you are renumbering an existing employee ID and merging two employees, you must acknowledge your action by placing a check in this field. If the employee ID does not already exist, you may leave this field blank.

The renumbering process includes merging information from the old employee ID into information for the new employee ID. Information from the old employee ID is applied only if does not already exist for the new employee ID. Otherwise, it is deleted. This feature enables you to clean up data when, for example, two different IDs refer to the same employee. If there is an open clock in/out entry for the old employee ID but not the new employee ID, the entry is renamed.