Repair Reason Renumbering

The Repair Reason Renumbering screen enables you to renumber repair codes. When a repair reason is renumbered, the change takes effect throughout all data, including OPEN work orders. You also can choose to merge information from the old repair reason to the new one.

Detail View

Old repair reason ID

Identifier of the existing repair reason code. This field has a list box. The repair description displays to the right of the ID. This field is required (reason code cannot be blank).

New repair reason ID

Identifier of the new repair reason code. Must be a number that has not already been assigned (codes cannot be merged). Maximum field length is four characters. This field is required (reason code cannot be blank).

Confirm merge – renumber to an existing repair reason ID

If you are renumbering an existing repair reason ID and merging two repair reasons, you must acknowledge your action by placing a check in this field. If the repair reason ID does not already exist, you may leave this field blank.

The renumbering process includes merging information from the old repair reason ID into information for the new repair reason ID. Information from the old repair reason ID is applied only if does not already exist for the new repair reason ID. Otherwise, it is deleted. This feature enables you to clean up data when, for example, two different IDs refer to the same repair reason.