Special Items

The Special Items tab enables you to define special work delay IDs, work class information, and downtime information. It also enables you to remove duplicate tasks on work orders. Lastly, it includes fields that pertain to the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Assignment -> Work Assignment screen. If you have used that screen prior to version 5.5 or plan to start using it, you must use these fields to perform some additional setup after installing version 5.5 and before using the Work Assignment screen.

Detail View Header

Shop activity management options

The data fields in the bottom section of the tab enable you to specify special items regarding shop management.

Detail View

Work delay IDs for the following delay types

The fields in this group box enable you to assign IDs to different types of work delays. Each field in this section has a list box. The delay description displays to the right of the ID. All these fields are optional.

Work delay codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Delay Codes screen.

Equipment not delivered

Work delay identifier indicating that the delay is due to undelivered equipment.

Awaiting transfer (user responsibility)

Work delay identifier indicating that the delay is because the shop is waiting for the user to transfer the equipment.

Awaiting transfer (shop responsibility)

Work delay identifier indicating that the delay is due to waiting for the shop to transfer the equipment.

Work class for work orders opened with hand-held devices

Valid work class assigned to work orders automatically opened with hand-held devices. This field has a list box. The work class description displays to the right. This field is optional.

Work classes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Classes screen.

Work class for multi-unit projects

Valid work class used as the default when you insert new multi-unit projects. This field has a list box. The work class description displays to the right. This field is optional.

Work classes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Classes screen.

Work class for incident work orders/service requests

Valid work class used as the default when you generate a work order or service request from either the Data -> Incident Management -> Incident Management or Delays screen. This field has a list box. The work class description displays to the right. This field is optional.

Work classes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Classes screen.

Remove duplicate tasks on work orders button

If you want the system to remove duplicate tasks on work orders, click the Remove duplicate tasks on work orders button. The Duplicate Task Removal Wizard steps you through the process. If it identifies duplicate task rows, you can opt to move them to another table.

Maintain Work Assignment data

If you used the Work Assignment screen in a version prior to 5.5 and want to maintain your data, place a check in this field. If you have not used the Work Assignment screen previously and plan to start doing so, you must place a check in this field.

Track changes to schedules on work assignment

If this field has a check, the system tracks changes to schedule information set on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Assignment -> Work Assignment screen. If the date and time scheduled, shift scheduled, or bay scheduled is changed on an existing work assignment, a row is written to the TSK_ASSIGN_HIST table. The table is available for reporting purposes until the work order is closed. You may want to grant supervisors access to this information to enable them to determine work status before they close a work order.

Initiate Work Assignment data Button

If you used the Work Assignment screen in a version prior to 5.5 and want to convert your data for use in the current version, click the Initiate Work Assignment data button. The conversion process may take some time to complete, and you should ensure that no other users are logged into the application when the data is initialized. Assignment records are generated for service requests that are assigned to PLANNING work orders and do not have a REJECTED status. Once the data has been converted and the checkbox has been updated, you may start using the Work Assignment screen.

Generate commercial requests when vendors are assigned to work orders

If this field has a check, a commercial request is automatically created when a vendor is assigned to a work order.