Response Requirements (SLA)

The Response Requirements tab enables you to define the response requirements of both fleet management and the department for this service level agreement.

The Primary Information screen supports department-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Service level agreement ID

Identifier of the service level agreement currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. If the ID already exists, its description displays to the right of the ID.

Detail View

Data in the fields at the bottom section of this tab define the response requirements. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Maximum minutes permitted after PM scheduled time before release of unit to shop

Maximum amount of time, in minutes, between the time that preventive maintenance (PM) is scheduled for an equipment unit and the time the department must release it to the shop.

Response Requirements Screen Group Data Table

Data in the following fields define fleet management’s response requirements. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.


To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save. All fleet response and response requirement information for the priority ID on the current SLA ID from the SLA_PRIORITY and SLA_REQT_PERIOD_PRI_PERF tables will be deleted.

Priority ID for response to out of service equipment unit

Identifier of the priority to which this line applies. This field has a list box of all the priority IDs with a priority category of OUT OF SERVICE.

Priority IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Priority Codes screen.


Description of the priority ID. This field is display only.

SLA response time commitment

Maximum amount of time, in minutes, that fleet management commits to allowing to elapse for an equipment unit declared to have an equipment status of OUT OF SERVICE with this priority ID. The minutes begin when an equipment unit is declared out of service and end at the initiation of shop activity. Units are declared out of service on the Asset Primary -> Status tab or Fleet Equipment -> Status tab (depending on the type of asset). Fleet management responds to the problem one of the following ways: