
The Upgrade tab of the Stock Status Upgrade screen enables you to specify which parts stock statuses to upgrade and to process the upgrade. This screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates.

The fields on the tab display status information about parts. All fields are display only. To display the information, use the filter to specify a location ID. You must have the authority to process parts inventory transactions at the location. The parts that display on the stock statue upgrade screen based are based on the criteria, but these include only the previous months, not the current month.

Detail View

Upgrade consumable parts which meet upgrade criteria

If this field has a check, the system upgrades consumable parts at the location that meets the upgrade criteria. The value in the Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen determines which screen is checked for the conversion criteria.

Upgrade parts which meet upgrade criteria for number of purchase orders

If this field has a check, consumable parts at the location that meet the upgrade criteria for the number of purchase orders issued to order the part are upgraded. Refer to the Review parts of stock status ON DEMAND-PROMOTABLE for promotion to STOCKED: Parts ordered more than ___ times on Quick Orders within ___ months field on the Quick Orders tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen.