End of Day and Batch Processing

Batch Processing

Batch processing is an automated method of inserting, updating, or deleting hundreds, or even thousands, of records in the system. Common examples include making system-wide coding changes or loading large numbers of new equipment units or parts. You can also create batch processes that run specific processing tasks on a regular basis, such as end-of-day processing.

For a broad overview of batch processing, refer to the Batch Processing Overview.

End of Day Processing

When you use the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen to perform end-of-day processing, daily orders in the Part Primary Info (PTS_MAIN) table and daily orders, receipts, issues, adjustments, kit assembly quantity, kit assembly value, and transfers accumulators on the Part Location Info (PLO_MAIN) table are reset. Motor pool statuses are  updated. The current location of equipment units is not changed.

Create a .BAT file to run end-of-day batch processing

Before you create a .BAT file to run end-of-day processing, you must first set up a batch process. If you need to set up a batch process, go to how to automatically run end of day processing below.

To create a .BAT file to run end-of-day batch processing:

Step 1.   In Windows Explorer, select the folder in which you saved the batch process .txt file.

Step 2.   Copy the file as a .cmd file in the same folder.

Step 3.   Right-click the .cmd file and select Edit (if prompted for an editor, select NotePad or the text editor of your choice).

Step 4.   Edit the .cmd file to read 2056 <path>ccc.txt

Example: 2056 C:\EOD\eod.txt

Step 5.   Save the file.

Step 6.   In the same folder, create a new text file named batch.bat.

Step 7.   Type the following command in the new batch.bat file:
<FApath>\fa_gui.exe <server:port> <USERNAME/PASSWORD> <batchfilepath>\ccc.cmd –nohide


<FApath> is the path to the executables

<server:port> is the server and port for the system, separated by a colon (:)

<USERNAME/PASSWORD> is your username and password in uppercase letters, separated by a slash (/)

<batchfilepath> is the path to the folder that contains the .cmd file


C:\Maximus\FleetFocus\fa_gui.exe faserver:2000 MYNAME/FAPASS C:\Eod\eod.cmd –nohide

After you create the .BAT file, you can use Windows to schedule batch processing to run daily.

How to schedule a batch process to run daily

Before you can schedule batch processing to run daily, you must first set up the batch process and create a .bat file. For instructions to do this using end-of-day processing as an example, see the process below for how to automatically run end of day processing and how to create a .bat file to run end of day processing.

To schedule a batch process to run daily, use the Windows Scheduler to schedule the run. The how-to instructions are dependent on the operating system. Confirm with your version of Windows for exact instructions.

Step 1.  Double-click My Computer.

Step 2.  Double-click Scheduled Tasks.

Step 3.  Double-click Add Scheduled Tasks.

The Scheduled Tasks wizard explains how to schedule the task.

How to run end-of-day processing automatically at the end of each day

To automate end-of-day processing, proceed as follows.

Step 1.  Set up a batch process to run end-of-day processing:

aAccess the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen.

bClick Get Data and then click Prepare to Update.

cIn the End of day field, place a check in the box.

dFrom the File menu, select Batch process and then select Create.
The Save as Dialog box appears.

eSelect the folder in which you want to store all end-of-day output files.

fIn the File name field, type the name of the output file and a .txt extension (for example, EOD.txt).

gClick Open.

Step 2.  Create a .BAT file that starts the GUI and executes the batch processing.

Step 3.  Use Windows to schedule the batch processing to run daily as described above.


See Also

Batch processing