More Info

The More Info tab enables you to update or provide more information about the functional area, OEM (original equipment manufacturer) parts used, unusual repair circumstances, and previous work order ID.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defaults from information entered on the Claim Data tab. It is display only.

Claim ID

Identifier of the selected claim.

Detail View

The fields in the bottom section of this tab enable you to update or provide more information about the functional area, OEM parts used, unusual repair circumstances, and previous work order ID. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.

Functional area

Text field in which to describe the area.

OEM parts used

If this field has a check, OEM parts were used.

Position of failed part

Location of failed part. The part's position is required if the part is classified as positional. This field has a list box. The position description displays to the right of the ID.

Parts are classified as positional on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Classifications screen.

Unusual repair circumstances

Text field in which you can type comments about the repair.

Previous work order ID

Identifier of the work order previously associated with the claim, if applicable. This field has a list box.


Date of the previous work order ID. If a date is entered, it must be earlier than the current date.

Meter 1 reading

Meter 1 reading.

Causal part ID

Identifier of the stock part that caused the failure.  


Suffix associated with the causal part ID. If a causal part ID is provided, its suffix displays automatically.


Text description of the causal part. If an OEM part caused the failure, use this field to describe it. If a causal part ID is provided, its description displays automatically.