
The Notes tab enables you to review existing and record new notes about the reimbursement claim. If there are notes associated with the claim, this tab displays in the alert color specified on Preferences -> Color Setup.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defaults from information entered on the Claim Data tab. It is display only.

Claim ID

Identifier of the selected claim.

Detail View

The fields in the bottom section of the tab display existing notes and enable you to record new notes. Once a note has been entered, it may not be changed or deleted.

Notes Text Field

The first field in this section is an unlabeled text box that displays previously entered notes as well as the date, time, and user ID associated with the posting. This field is read only.

Add a new note

Text field in which you can type notes regarding claims that are in process. You may not record new notes once a claim's status is Approved.