Warranty - Setup - Options

The Options screen enables you to specify how warranty claims are managed. For example, you can specify the default status for newly created warranty claims and specify the level of cost detail you want to track for claim amounts and settlement amounts.

The Options screen has one tab, Options. Unless otherwise indicated, the data fields are optional.

Warranty management options

Detail View

Automatically number manually entered warranty claims

If this field has a check, the claim ID defaults to the next available numeric ID when you enter a new warranty claim. The claim ID format is YYYY-number, where YYYY is the current year, [-] is a separator, and number is the last system-assigned warranty claim number + 1, with leading zeroes to seven digits.

Disable pop-up messages when equipment claim is automatically created

If this field has a check, no pop-up message will display when a warranty claim is created while a work order is being closed. The pop-up message displays on any screen on which you can close a work order, including Work Order Center, Work Order-Short Form, and Work Order Closing. The message confirms that a warranty has been created for an equipment unit.

Default warranty claim status

Specifies the default status for all newly created warranty claims. This field is required, and you may only select a value from the list box.

Warranty statuses are defined on the Data -> Warranty -> Setup -> Statuses screen.

Default core claim status

Specifies the default status for all newly created core claims. This field has a list box. Optional.

Warranty statuses are defined on the Data -> Warranty -> Setup -> Statuses screen.

Require details by task or only overall totals

Specifies the level of detail to be tracked for claim and settlement amounts. Claim data (i.e., the dollar value of labor, parts, and other charges) may be tracked by task or by claim and settlement data may be tracked by task or by settlement. The options specified on this screen determine which fields must be completed on the Data -> Warranty -> Reimbursement Claims screen.

Require details by cost type or only overall totals

Specifies the level of cost type information to be tracked for claim and settlement amounts. The options specified on this screen determine which fields must be completed on the Data -> Warranty -> Reimbursement Claims screen.