
The Comments tab enables you to view and record comments about the work order. You also can associate files with work orders.

General Comments Tab Information

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.

Work order ID

Identifier of the work order currently selected in the grid or that you are inserting (opening). The work order ID is composed of three parts: the location, year, and number. The location part of the field has a list box.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment unit on the work order currently selected in the grid. Display only.

Job status

Job status of the work order. Display only:

Current work delay

Identifier of the reason for the current work delay, if any, on the work order. The work delay description displays to the right of the ID. Display only from the Work delay ID field on the Delay tab.

Detail View

The bottom section of this tab enables you to record comments and associate a file with a work order.


The title of the work order. This field has a maximum limit of 255 characters.


Free-form text field in which you can type comments regarding the work order. If the Message when part under warranty is replaced check box is selected on the Messaging tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Options screen, this field displays the message text associated with issuing a part to replace one under warranty.

Associated file

Path and filename

Path and file name of a file associated with the work order. This is useful if you want to associate a procedures document, diagram, schematic, and so forth with the task. This field has a Zoom button to the file.


Description of the file associated with the work order.