Basic Info

The Basic Info tab enables you to define basic information about work orders.

If the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen contains a check in the Add late/soon due PM services to repair orders as expected tasks field, when you insert (open) a work order, late or soon due preventive maintenance (PM) services for the same equipment unit are automatically added to the Tasks tab on repair orders except in the following cases:

General Work Order Center Basic Info Tab Information

The Work Order Center screen supports location level and department-level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorizations to make changes or updates. In addition, the option specified in the Require match between work order location and equipment access rights location field on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether users can open work orders and whether there are restrictions on the equipment that can be repaired.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of this tab define the data that displays.

Work order ID

Identifier of the work order currently selected in the grid or that you are inserting (opening). The work order ID is composed of three parts:

When you insert (open) a new work order, you can assign a work order ID manually or have it assigned automatically. To specify automatic work order ID assignment, type only the location ID where the work order will be filled. The current year is filled in and the next sequential number available at that shop is assigned. To change this number, type another number over it.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the work orders equipment unit. Display only from the Equipment ID field in the bottom section of the tab.

If you change the value in that field, the following actions occur:

Job status

Job status of the work order. This field is display only. The statuses are as follows:

If an equipment unit has an operating restriction in effect and the logged-in user is not a qualified person, the user may not mark the work order as WORK FINISHED. The operating restriction must be cleared before finishing the work order.

If the logged-in user is a qualified person, the user may mark the work order as WORK FINISHED, and the operating restriction will be automatically marked as cleared by that user.

If the logged-in user is a qualified person, the user may mark the work order as CLOSED, and the operating restriction is automatically marked as cleared by that user.

An operating restriction in effect if an open service request has data entered on the Operating Restriction tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Service Requests/Defects screen and the Operating restriction cleared field on that tab is blank.

Current work delay

Identifier of the reason for the current work delay, if any, on the work order. The work delay description displays to the right of the ID. Display only from the Work delay ID field on the Delay tab.

Detail View

Data in the fields on the bottom section of this tab define the basic information about the work order. Unless otherwise indicated, the fields are required.

Job type

Type of job for the work order. This field has a list box:

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment unit to which the work order applies. This field has a choice-list of valid equipment unit IDs. The meter type, equipment unit year, manufacturer, and model display beneath the ID.

This field has a zoom button that opens the appropriate primary information screen. For example, a component record opens the Component Primary Information screen, and an asset opens Asset Primary Information, as long as the user has access to the necessary screen. If the currently logged-in user does not have rights to the screen, a message is displayed to the user of insufficient screen rights.

The following restrictions apply to equipment IDs:

If an equipment unit has a PM program type of NONE (assigned on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen), you cannot assign it to a PM work order that is open for a PM service (see the Task type field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen). You can perform the following activities:

For work on multiple equipment units, refer to the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Multi-Unit Projects screen.

License number

License number of the equipment unit. This field is optional.

If you enter information in this field, the associated information displays in the Equipment ID field. If you want to enter a license number and have the equipment ID looked up automatically, make sure the Equipment ID field is blank before entering the license number.

Meter 1 and Meter 2

Reading on equipment units appropriate meters, to the nearest whole meter unit (omit the tenths).

More Meter 1 and Meter 2 Information

Meter 1 and Meter 2 validation

Specifies whether and how meter validation is performed on the Meter 1 and Meter 2 readings. To specify this process, you must be assigned to a user group that has a check in the Accept meter for transaction purposes only field on the Special Rights tab of the System Mgmt -> Setup -> Access Rights -> User Groups screen. This field has a list box:

Life meter 1 usage

Total number of meter 1 units the equipment unit has operated. This information displays when you specify the equipment ID.

If you are entering historical data and select NO EQ UPD as the meter validation, you can record the equipment unit's life meter 1 usage when the work was performed. Any entry made here is recorded only for the work order; it does not affect the equipment unit's current life meter.

Service status

The status of the service. This field has a list box of all active statuses that support the specific asset category, followed by all active statuses that support all asset categories. When you open a work order and specify information in this field, the Service status field on the Status tab of the applicable equipment primary information screen is updated automatically. This field is optional.  

If the optional Motor Pool module is installed and if the equipment unit can be dispatched while the work order is open, enter a service status code that designates that in this field. The Service statuses on open work orders which designate that the equipment unit is available for dispatch field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Motor Pool -> Setup -> Options screen specifies codes for service statuses that display in lists of available equipment units, even though a work order is open for the equipment unit.

If the optional Motor Pool module is installed, you can use this field to control whether a unit is listed in the Equipment ID list boxes on the following Data -> Equipment Activity -> Motor Pool screens:

If the service status does not accrue downtime, any accumulated downtime on the work order is deleted prior to the change. If you change the service status to one that does accrue downtime, the downtime accumulates from the date and time the work order was originally opened, not the date and time of the change. If this method is not appropriate for the work order, close it and open another one with the preferred service status.

Service statuses are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Service Statuses screen.

Account ID

Identifier of the general accounting system's account assigned to this work order. This field has a list box. In Insert mode, after you specify an ID in the Equipment ID field, this field displays the account code to which the unit is assigned. You can change it. The account name displays to the right of the ID.

When you insert or update labor hours on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Time Cards screen, this value displays in the Account ID field.

When you assign an account ID, it must have a status of ACTIVE. Account IDs and their statuses are defined on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen. The Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab on the Data -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether information in this field is required, optional, or not required.

Priority ID

Identifier of the work order's priority. This field has a list box that includes priority IDs with priority category of INTERNAL SHOP PRIORITY that were assigned using the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Priority Codes screen. The priority description displays below the ID.

If there is a check in the Set default work order priority to equipment priority field on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen, this field displays the priority ID set for the equipment unit when you open a work order from this screen. You can change it.

If there is a check in the Update equipment ID on assigned service request when update equipment ID on work order field on the Work Orders - Service Requests tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen and the service request has a higher priority than the work order or the work order does not have a priority code, the service request’s priority is assigned to the work order.

The default priority ID for work orders is specified on the Codes tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.

Employee ID

Identifier of the employee (technician) to whom this work order is assigned. This field has a list box of all employees who support the work order location and who charge time. The employee's name displays to the right of the ID. This field is optional.

Vendor ID

Identifier of the vendor to which the unit will be sent for work. This field has a list box of all active vendors who support the work order location. The vendor's name displays to the right of the ID. This field is optional.

More Vendor ID Information

Repair reason ID

Identifier of the reason for the repair. This field is required if the Job type field specifies REPAIR. In Insert mode, the default is the Repair reason IDs for the following special repair reasons/Other field on the Repair Reasons tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen.

If there is a check in the Default this repair reason on PM/inspection services and work orders field on the Repair Reasons tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen, however, the repair reason specified in the Noted in PM field on that tab takes precedence. This field has a list box. The repair reason description displays to the right of the ID.

Repair reason IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Repair Reasons screen.

Repair site

Valid site at which staff performs the repairs or PM. The default for this field is specified on the Work Orders - Defaults tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. This field is required if the Job type field specifies REPAIR.

Repair sites are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Repair Sites screen.

PM service

Code of the PM service or inspection to be performed. This field has a list box of active services supported by the equipment unit's equipment class for PM. When you insert a new work order with a job type of PM and specify an equipment ID, this field displays the next PM service or inspection due on the unit (whichever is due first), but you can change it. Required if the job type specifies PM. Must be blank if the job type specifies REPAIR. The maximum field length is 12 characters.

Task IDs are defined as PM services on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen. PM tasks that are part of the service do not appear on the Tasks tab because no labor or parts are posted to them. Service charges do include the cumulative labor spent on all the tasks. They appear on hard copies of work orders.

On new orders with a job type of PM, when you type an ID in the Equipment ID field, this field displays the next PM service or inspection due on the unit (whichever is due first), but you can change it.

PM scheduled

Scheduled date and time for the next preventive maintenance service. In Insert mode, this field displays the next PM service due for the unit and its due date. You can change this information if the insert is for a PM work order that is not for the next scheduled PM service for the equipment unit. Required on PM work orders only. The PM schedule updates automatically each time you close a work order.

Next PM due date

Set the date for the next needed PM due date after this current work order is completed. This is either calculated by the system, or you can enter a manual date for the next PM. If the Override next PM due date field is checked on the Locations - Primary Information screen, Work Orders - Options tab, the work order's current PM service date is replaced with this date when updating the PM schedule.

Work class

Code that specifies a work class. Required if there is a check in the Require work class on work orders field on the Work Orders - Options tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

Work classes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Classes screen.

Warranty work

Specifies whether the work on the work order is covered by the equipment unit's warranty (bumper-to-bumper warranty). If a warranty is in effect, the default is specified in the Default setting for warranty when warranty is in effect field on the Work Orders - More Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. You can change it.

For more information about control labels, go to control labels. Warranty periods for equipment units are specified on the Warranty tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.


If this field has a check, this is an estimate work order. All labor, parts, and commercial charge postings are treated as either as estimates or billing charges. They have no effect on employee labor records, parts inventory, or actual charges.

You can use estimate work orders to record estimates of the labor and materials you expect to require for a job and then track actual consumption against the estimates. You can also use estimate work orders to generate an invoice for a customer for work performed on an equipment unit, provided that the equipment unit is identified as a customer unit on the Ownership and Depreciation tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.

If this field is blank, this is a standard work order. Labor, parts, and commercial charges are posted as actual charges.

You can switch a work order between estimate and standard any number of times as long as its job status is either OPEN or WORK FINISHED and there is no information in the Current work delay ID field.


If this field has a check, the work order is approved for work estimated to exceed the work order approval level set for the equipment unit, and you can post charges to or close this work order. The date and time (in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM format) of the approval displays beneath the field.

The work order approval level is set on the Authorization tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen.

Date and time out of service

Date and time a customer (user) declared the equipment unit to have a new equipment status of either OUT OF SERVICE or AVAILABLE FOR PM. You can change it. It must be the current system date and time or earlier. If the Date and time in field is backdated to an earlier time, this field defaults to that value.

Date and time in

Date and time the equipment unit arrived, or is expected to arrive, at the shop for the work to be done. In Insert mode, the current date and time display, but you can change them. If you specify a date and time later than the current system date and time, the Job status field is set to PENDING. If you backdate this field to an earlier time, the Date and time out of service field defaults to that value. If you change this field to a future date, the Date and time due and Date and time opened fields, if populated, are cleared.

You can change a work order's status from OPEN to PENDING if there is a check in the Allow change of work order status from OPEN back to PENDING when charges exist field on the Work Orders - Options tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. This can be useful if the equipment unit is going back into service and you do not expect it back in the shop for a while, perhaps because a non-safety-related part is on back order. To change the status, change the date and time in to a future date. Downtime stops and the status of the work order changes to PENDING. The status cannot be changed, however, if a delay is in progress, a tool is checked out against the work order, there is an incomplete part issue (e.g., part issues waiting for serial number information), or an employee is currently assigned to one or more tasks on the work order. This is not recommended for a work order that has one or more PM or inspection services, because of the date-specific nature of preventive maintenance. Although it can be done, be aware of the impact that different dates on the work order will have on your service schedule.

Date and time due

Date and time that the customer was promised that the equipment ID would be ready for return to service or pick up. When you set up a new work order, this date and time is calculated based on the Date and time in field and the response time unit defined for the priority ID assigned to the work order (refer to the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Priority Codes screen), but you can change them.

If the work order was generated from a multi-unit project, this field displays the completion date information from the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Multi-Unit Projects -> Primary Information screen. If the date and time in are later than the original expected completion date, the date and time due are changed based on the priority ID.

Date and time opened

If this field has a check, a work order is opened. Required if you are opening a work order. The date and time are completed automatically and are display only. The date and time are automatically updated when you re-open a work order. When you check this box to update a work order's status from PENDING to OPEN, the current system date and time automatically display in the Date and time out of service, Date and time in, Date and time due, Shop downtime begin, and User downtime begin fields.

When you insert (open) a work order, a message displays on the Messages tab if the equipment unit is assigned to an SLA equipment category (on the Classes tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen) and either of the following conditions exist:

SLA availability requirements are defined on the Data -> Equipment Management -> Service Level Agreements -> Primary Information screen.

Date and time first labor

Date and time labor first began on the work order. This field is display only.

Shop downtime begin

If this field has a check, shop downtime has started accumulating. The date and time are filled in automatically, but you can change them. Must be the current system date and time or earlier. The date and time are recorded in the JOB_DOWNTIME table, which you can view in a report. You may not start downtime on a work order in PENDING status.

Shop downtime end

If this field has a check, shop downtime has stopped accumulating. When a work order's status changes to WORK FINISHED, the date and time fill automatically, but you can change them. Must be the current system date and time or earlier.

The total number of shop downtime hours are automatically added to the Current and New/Downtime including user caused field on the Hours tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Historical Costs screen. The date and time are also recorded in the JOB_DOWNTIME table, which you can view in a report.

User downtime begin

If this field has a check, user downtime has started accumulating. The date and time are filled in automatically, but you can change them. Must be the current system date and time or earlier. You may not start downtime on a work order in PENDING status.

User downtime end

If this field has a check, user downtime has stopped accumulating. When you close a work order, the date and time fill in automatically, but you can change them. Must be the current system date and time or earlier.

The total number of user downtime hours are automatically added to the Current and New/Downtime including user caused field on the Hours tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Historical Costs screen.

If there are charges recorded on the Labor, Parts, or Commercial tab when you process a work order with a check in either or both of the following fields, the PM schedules are automatically updated. To update the schedule regardless of whether there are charges recorded, place a check in the Update PM schedule field on the Tasks tab.

Date and time finished

If this field has a check, work on the unit is completed. Shop downtime stops accumulating and the value in the Job status field changes to WORK FINISHED.

You can change the date and time, but it must be the current system date and time or earlier and cannot be earlier than any labor, parts, or commercial posting on the work order.

Date and time closed

If this field has a check, the work order is closed.

See additional Requirements to close a work order and Reopen a closed work order. For more detailed information, refer to Actions performed when you close a work order.

Date and time in service

Date and time the equipment unit was returned to service. It must be the current system date and time or earlier.

Update changed repair reason from header to

If you change the repair reason on this tab, you must choose an entry from the following list. If the repair reason has not changed, leave this field blank.

When a repair reason is changed (whether from user-caused to non-user-caused or the reverse), the costs are also moved

Responsible location ID

ID of location responsible for the work order. This field displays the responsible location if the work order location value is set or modified. The choice-list will only show locations where "Work orders permitted" is enabled and the user has view access rights for the location. The work order location will be used if responsible location has not been specified.