Basic Info (Accidents)

The Basic Info tab for accidents enables you to display and define identifying information about accidents involving equipment units.

Detail View Header

Accident ID

Identifier of the accident currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. If you are entering a new accident, the accident ID defaults to the next available number. You may type a different ID if you want. This field has a list box.

Date and time entered

Date and time (in MMDDYYYY format) that the accident was entered. This field is display only.

Entered by

Identifier of the user who entered the accident. The user name displays to the right of the ID. This field is display only.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define basic information about the accident. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Employee/operator ID

Valid operator identifier of the person who operated the equipment unit at the time of the accident. This field has a list box, which includes all employees and all operators defined in the system. The person's name displays to the right of the ID, but you can change it.

Equipment ID

Valid identifier of the equipment unit involved in the accident. Auto-populates when you enter a license number. This field has a list box. It also has a Zoom button to the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen. If the Work order ID field contains a value, this field must display the equipment ID specified on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen.

License number

License number of the vehicle involved in the accident. auto-populates when you enter an equipment ID. This field is optional.

Work order ID

Three-part field containing the work order ID to which this accident is assigned. The first part is the location ID of the shop the work order is assigned to. This part of the field has a list box. The second part of the field is the year the work order was opened. The third part of the field is the number of the work order, which also has a list box. This field is optional.


Location of the accident (address or description). This field is optional.

Accident type

Type of accident. This field has a list box. The accident type description displays to the right. This field is optional. Accident types are defined on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Accidents -> Setup -> Types screen.

Accident cause

Reason that the accident occurred. Because this field is optional, you can use it however you want. This field has a list box. The cause description displays in the field to the right.

Date and time

Date and time of the accident. This field is optional.

Date reported

Date and time the accident was reported. Must be earlier than the current date and time. This field is optional.

Date cleared

Date and time the accident was reported cleared. Must be earlier than the current date and time. This field is optional.

Claim status

Status of the claim for reimbursement or insurance filed as a result of the accident. This part of the field has a list box:

Seat belts on

If this field has a check, the operator was wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident.