Basic Info (Allocation and Assignment)

Detail View Header

Allocation and assignment ID

This field shows the identifier of the assignment.

Detail View

Item type

The type of item for allocation and assignment. There are two default options for item type:


Check this box to mark the item as a transfer. If the Item type is ASSET for the transferred item, when the asset is marked as a Transfer, the following items are updated for that item.


When the status is set to Finalized on the Allocation and Assignment Status screen, this checkbox is checked. This is display only.

Assignment status

This is the status of your assignment. This is an open text field with a drop-down choice-list to choose a status already in the system.

Asset ID

The unique identifier of the asset that you assigned or will assign.

Part ID

The unique identifier of the part that you assigned or will assign. The details of the part ID entered will show below.

Part suffix

The suffix of the part.

Serial number

The serial number of the part for this assignment.


The quantity of the part that is assigned. The quantity is only allowed to be greater than 1 when working with an item type of PARTS, and cannot be serialized parts as those are also only available in a quantity of 1.

Not from inventory

This means the assigned part is not being pulled from current inventory numbers. When this part is assigned and this option is checked, any inventory for this part in the system will not be affected.

Issue location

The location where the part is issued.

Date and time

Employee who recorded:

These fields show the employee identifier and description for the employee that recorded the assignment start and stop.

Assigned to

The identifier of the location, department, operator, or asset that the item is assigned to.

Asset ID

The unique identifier of the asset a part is assigned to.

Operator ID

The unique identifier of the operator an item is assigned to.

Location ID

The identifier of the location an item is assigned to. This is optional. Rack ID and Bin ID assignments are only allowed if an item is being assigned to a location. The locations available for rack and bin IDs are based on the location chosen for the assignment.

Account ID

The account that will be charged for the asset or part.

Condition Rating

The rating of the condition of the item. This is a choice list.

Related Allocation and assignment ID

This is the identifier of the related assignment record. This is a choice-list.