Fuel Data Load (Automated Fuel Tickets)

The Fuel Data Load tab enables you to define and process an upload from an automated fuel system and review the number of transactions accepted and rejected during the processing.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Run ID

Identifier assigned to each upload. This field has a list box. The run description displays to the right of the ID.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of the tab define the upload of fuel data and display the results of the upload process. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Run description

Description of the upload, typically used to distinguish it from other uploads. It can include the date and other identifying information. Use hyphens, not slashes, to separate the elements of the date.

User ID uploading

Unique identifier of the user performing the upload. This field has a list box. The user name displays to the right of the ID.

Fuel file name and path

Name of the fuel file to load into the database, including the drive (if the file is not on the current drive) and directory path (if the file is not in the current directory). Maximum field length is 100 characters. The data file must be accessible to the application server. This field is required.

Files are processed one at a time, as you instruct the system. Although you cannot process a group of files together using wild card characters in the file name, you can concatenate (merge) a group of files into a single file before you process them. The only restriction on file names is that a file cannot have the same name as a file name that the application uses. To eliminate a naming conflict, you might use an extension (after the dot) of AFD (Automated Fuel Dispensing) for all such files; the name portion might identify the source location and the date (such as AB0315.AFD).

Upload start date and time

Date and time that the user began the upload. Display only.

Processing started

If this field has a check, processing has begun on the data in this upload. This field is display only.

Processing completed

If this field has a check, processing has completed for the data in this upload. This field is display only.

Accepted tickets

Number of transactions accepted during the processing, including those that generated an error. This field is display only.

Rejected tickets

Number of transactions rejected during the processing. This field is display only.

Special action

Action to take to resolve processing errors. Available only during Update mode. This field has a list box: