Basic Info

The Basic Info tab for contracts enables you to display and define identifying information about vendor contracts. Vendor contracts can be used on a purchase order for any type of charges (e.g., stock part, non-stock part, commercial, fee, or shipping). Vendor contracts may be configured to include charges for parts sales tax, parts shipping, and commercial sales tax.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Vendor contract ID

Identifier of the vendor contract currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. This field is required.

Detail View

Data in the fields on the bottom section of this tab define the basic information about the vendor contract. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.


The description of the vendor contract ID.

Vendor ID

Identifier of the vendor to which the vendor contract is issued. This field has a list box. The selected vendor must provide parts or parts repair and rebuild or equipment repair and PM. The vendor name displays to the right of the ID.

Vendor IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen. The product or service (e.g., equipment, parts, or equipment repair) that a vendor provides is specified on the Functions tab of the Data ->  Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.


Fax number. This field is optional, free-format area.

Required to fax quick orders. Quick orders are generated on the Data -> Purchasing -> Quick Orders screen.

Begin date

Start date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) of the period (usually a fiscal year) during which the vendor contract applies. May be a future date.

End date

End date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) of the period (usually a fiscal year) during which the vendor contract applies.

You cannot delete a vendor ID (from the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen) if this field specifies a date earlier than the current system date.

Purchasing limit

Total amount authorized to spend under the vendor contract. When you insert a vendor contract, the purchasing limit should not exceed the amount in the Amount remaining field.

Update purchasing limit based on contract line amounts

Check this box to update the purchasing limit based on the calculated total of the Expected cost over life of contract field on the Contract Line items tab.

Amount used

Total amount spent to date under the vendor contract. Display only.

When you use the unit price from the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Part Prices screen to generate purchase orders from the Data -> Purchasing -> Reordering or Part Orders screens or to update purchase orders from the Data -> Purchasing -> Parts Order Management screen, the software adds the total value of the line item to this amount.

Amount remaining

Total amount left to spend under the vendor contract. For commercial line items, equals the total cost plus the amount used. For all other line item types (e.g., stock, fees, and shipping) equals the quantity multiplied by the net unit price. Markup amounts and sales tax are not deducted from the vendor contract amount. This field is display only.

Percent used

Percent of the amount left to spend under the vendor contract. This field is display only.

Notification percent

Threshold percent that can be used in exception reporting to show which contracts are close to the purchasing limit.

Apply additional charges to vendor contract

The following fields enable you to specify when to begin applying charges against a vendor contract. Applies only to parts managed BY ENTERPRISE. The Apply amounts to vendor contract on field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen specifies when purchase amounts should be deducted from the vendor contract.

Part sales tax

If this field has a check, part sales taxes are applied against a vendor contract. For PENDING and OPEN line items on requisitions and purchase orders, the contract is reduced by the part cost (which may include a discount percentage) and sales tax for all line types except COMMERCIAL.

Part shipping

If this field has a check, part shipping taxes are applied against a vendor contract. For PENDING and OPEN line items on requisitions and purchase orders, the contract is reduced by the part cost (which may include a discount percentage) and shipping for all line types except COMMERCIAL.

Commercial sales tax

If this field has a check, commercial sales taxes are applied against a vendor contract. For PENDING and OPEN line items on requisitions and purchase orders, the contract is reduced by the part cost (which may include a discount percentage) and the commercial charges.

Amounts on current items

The values that display in the following fields are dependent on whether there is a check in the Commercial sales tax field. These fields update whenever sales tax amounts change or the vendor contract is changed.