Part Orders

The Part Orders screen enables you to view and automatically generate purchase orders for parts to replenish stock. Each insert of a part order from this screen may include any number of parts from any number of vendors. When you process the insert, separate purchase orders are automatically created for each vendor (subject to some limitations). You can record the parts you want to order throughout the day and process the insert at the end of the day.

To use this screen, the Automatic numbering of purchase orders field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing - Setup - Options screen must specify a value other than NONE.

When purchase orders are generated for parts displayed on this screen, the price of the part per unit is dependent on whether there is a contract with a vendor to supply the part:

You can specify that each vendor's purchase orders be separated by product category. Product categories are defined on the Parts Items - Setup - Product Categories screen; parts are assigned to categories on the Basic Info tab of the Parts Items -Primary Information screen.

The Manage parts ordering and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) values field on the General tab of the Parts - Setup - Options screen determines which screen to use in order to separate each vendor's purchase orders by product category:

You can use the filter to refine the information you want to display. See location level access.

To learn more about each tab's functions and fields, click the applicable hyperlink.

Items to Order

Information about the part orders

Line Item Comments

Information about specific line items on part orders