Multi-State Usage

The Multi-state Usage screen enables you to display and insert meter readings to record equipment usage transactions on usage tickets for which the meter usage is allocated to one or more states or provinces.

General Multi-State Usage Information

Use this screen to bill departments or agencies for equipment usage, as contrasted with costs incurred by equipment units. The Usage table (USG_MAIN) accumulates usage data to be used to prepare departmental billings. Charges for meter usage, other charges, and hours and days of use are calculated when you enter the usage data. The rates applicable to the class to which the unit is assigned are used and the charges to the current month rental charge item in the Equipment Cost Data table (EQ_COST_DATA) for the month and year of the date of the ticket are added.

See Usage Tickets for Non-pool Units.

On every usage ticket, a Usage Ticket Flag is set in the Equipment Master record. You can use the Query/Report Generator to generate a list of all units for which tickets either have or have not been processed since the last end of period monthly processing. You can also use Web Modules Reporting or any other reporting tool sold separately (such as Microsoft Access) that can attach to the database. Refer to the related documentation for these products.

Usage time is calculated using the work calendar defined for either the using agency or the pool.

The total charges for the ticket are added to the rental revenue for the month and year of the date of the ticket. The total amount is the sum of the charge per meter unit for each active meter, the charge per hour, the charge per day, and the other charges item, less the charge for personal meter usage on the ticket. Monthly base charges are calculated and added during end of period processing of equipment usage.

Detail View

Data in the tab section define the usage tickets. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Transaction date

Date that the transaction was recorded. It must be the current system date or earlier.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment unit to which usage is charged. This field has a list box. It must be an equipment unit that has a check in the Usage tickets field on the Authorization tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen. The equipment unit year, manufacturer, and model display to the right of the ID.

Department ID

Identifier of the department to which usage is charged. This field has a list box. The department name displays to the right of the ID.

Pool location ID

Identifier of the pool location. A valid identifier is required if all of the following conditions are true:

The work calendar for the specified location ID is used to computer hours used. If any of the aforementioned conditions are not true, leave this field blank. The monthly base rate (specified on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen) will not be applied to motor pool usage tickets.

Operator ID

Identifier of the operator associated with the name in the Operator name field on this screen, during the period between the Begin and End date and time fields on this screen. This field has a list box. The Operator name field populates automatically when an operator ID is entered. This field is optional.

Operator name

Name of the operator associated with the identifier in the Operator ID field. This field has a list box.

Account ID

Identifier of the account to charge for the usage. This field has a list box. The account name displays to the right of the ID. When you assign the account ID, it must have a status of ACTIVE. Account IDs and their status are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen. The Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether information in this field is required, optional, or not required.  

The amount of usage is calculated using the following four fields, the number of meter units recorded on each transaction is validated, and an error message displays if the number exceeds the defined edit ranges for meter units (specified on the Meter Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen). If the Meter Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen assigns the equipment ID to an equipment class for meter types for which the Meter Info tab on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen specifies as a meter type of NONE, the value in these fields must be zero.

Meter 1 and Meter 2 begin

Meter reading on the appropriate meter in the equipment unit at the beginning of this usage; omit tenths. It must not be greater than the value of the meter in the Maximum meter value field on the Meter Info tab on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen.

If the difference between the Meter x begin value on the usage ticket currently being inserted and the Meter x end value on the last usage ticket recorded for the equipment unit is greater than the value specified in the Maximum usage gap field (specified on the Meter Info tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Primary Information screen) for the equipment unit's equipment class for rental rates (assigned on the Classes tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Fleet Equipment screen), a usage gap event for the equipment unit is recorded in the USG_GAPS table.

Meter 1 and Meter 2 end

Meter reading on the appropriate meter in the equipment unit at the end of this usage; omit tenths. This field is optional. If you enter information in this field, you also must enter a value in the Meter 1 begin field. This value must not be less than the value in the appropriate Meter x begin field. See what to do if the meter has rolled over during the usage.

The current meter reading for the unit on the Equipment Master (EQ_MAIN) table is updated under certain conditions. See conditions for updating current meter readings and the Meter 1 validation field.

Meter 1 and Meter 2 validation

Specifies whether and how meter validation is performed on the Meter 1 and Meter 2 readings on this screen. This field has a list box of EQ UPD or NO EQ UPD. See meter validation fields. The following fields are optional. If you enter a value in one of the fields, you must enter a value in the other. The time is a 24-hour clock in the format HHMM, where HH represents hours and MM represents minutes.

Begin date and time

Date and time the usage began. It must be prior to the current system date and time and prior to the date and time in the End date and time field.

End date and time

Date and time the usage ended. It must be prior to the current system date and time and later than the date and time in the Begin date and time field.

If you enter values in these fields, the date of the ticket is the end date. If you leave these fields blank, the date of the ticket is the date in the Transaction date field.

Days used

Number of days of usage, to the nearest day. This field is optional. If you leave this field blank and enter information in the Begin date and time and End date and time fields, the number of calendar days between the dates is calculated. In the calculation, if the begin date and the end date are different, each counts as 1 day. The minimum number of days calculated is 1.

Hours used

Number of hours of usage, to the nearest hundredth of an hour. Optional. If you enter information in this field, it overrides any values in the Begin date and time and End date and time fields.

If there is a check in the Compute usage ticket hours automatically field on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Usage -> Setup screen, usage hours are calculated based on beginning and ending dates and times on each ticket. Leave this item blank to have the computed value inserted automatically. For usage tickets generated automatically on the Data -> Equipment Activity -> Usage -> Meter Readings - Assignments - Usage screen, this value is always zero.

Other charges

Amount of any other charges to bill to the user in connection with this ticket. This field is optional.

Personal usage

Number of meter units of personal use by the operator on this ticket. Optional; if you enter a value in this field, the amount of personal use must not exceed the total meter usage on the ticket.

The value of personal use is based on the personal use rate defined for the equipment class. These items are accessible for any required reporting of personal equipment usage.

Trip ID

Identifier of the trip associated with the usage ticket. Optional, free-form area. Maximum field length is 20 characters.


If this field has a check, a previous entry is reversed or offset to correct an error. Use the same value in the Transaction date field as the previous entry (do NOT reverse the values in the Begin or End date and time or the Meter 1 and 2 Begin or End meter fields). Another entry is made on the Usage table (USG_MAIN) with negative charges and an indicator is set to identify the entry as a reversal. It is possible to enter a reversal without an original entry, so if a question arises, run a report to check the current contents of the table.

Meter only


Code for the state associated with corresponding Meter 1 usage field in the row. This field has a list box.

Meter 1 usage

Number of meter units that the equipment unit was operated in the corresponding State field in this row.