Line Items

The Line Items tab for external rebuilds enables you to define and update line items on purchase orders for part repairs and rebuilds performed by vendors. Closed line items may not be reopened.

Detail View Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Purchase order ID

Identifier of the purchase order. This field has a list box.

Detail View

Fields in the bottom section of the tab list the line items for the part-rebuild purchase order. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.


To delete the entries in the fields to the right, place a check in this field and click Save.

Line number

Reference number for the line item. Assigned automatically. This field is display only.


Status of the purchase order line item. This field has a list box:

To delete a purchase order or to have a purchase order closed during end of month processing, all line items on the purchase order must have a status of CLOSED. When you perform end-of-period processing with a check in the Purge obsolete database entries field (on the System Mgmt -> End of Period screen), all purchase orders on which every line item has a status of CLOSED are deleted.

Part ID

Identifier of the part. This field has a list box of parts classified as repairable. For parts that do not have a valid ID defined, this is the supplier’s part number or any other data you want to enter. This field is required.

When you insert a part ID on this screen, the Qty out for repair field on the Stock Status and Movement tabs of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen and the Movement tab on the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screens is updated.

The ID is associated with the part suffix. If you enter a valid cross-reference entry for the part ID/suffix, it is automatically converted to the appropriate part ID/suffix. If more than one valid part ID/suffix is associated with the cross-reference part ID, a list box of valid part ID/suffixes from which to choose appears.

Part suffix

Number associated with the part in the Part ID field, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID. Defaults to the suffix specified for rebuilt parts. If the part is serialized, the suffix must be REBUILT.


Quantity of the part ordered on the purchase order. Must be greater than zero (0).

Price type

Description of the current order unit price. Defaults from the part ID/suffix. This field has a list box of possible types:

This price type displays in the Price type field on the Receipts tab of the Data -> Parts Activity -> Receipts screen. Price types are defined on the Data -> Purchasing -> Setup -> Price Types screen.

Date out

Date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the part was sent out for repair. Defaults to the current date when you enter a part ID, but you can change it.

Expected delivery date and time

Date and time the organization expects to receive the repaired part.

Vendor contract ID

Identifier of the vendor contract for the part. The choice list displays only those contract IDs that are current, valid for the vendor on the transaction, and have money remaining on the contract. Optional.

Unit price base currency

Base currency of the unit price for the line item. Upon processing, the unit price vendors currency is converted to the unit price base currency. Display only.

Unit price vendors currency

Gross price for the repair of the part, per unit, in the vendor's currency. This field supports up to four decimal places. If the unit price is zero (0), the price type must be either FREE OF CHARGE or TO BE ADVISED AND AGREED.

The vendor’s currency is specified on the Purchasing Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.

Serial number

Serial number of the part, if applicable. If a serialized part is being repaired, its status must be either AWAITING DISPOSITION or CORE-AWAITING REBUILD. If the line item status is set to CLOSED and a part has not been received, the part status will be set to SCRAPPED. Required for serialized parts. Otherwise, optional.

Closing a line short for a serialized part sent out for external rebuild sets the part to SCRAPPED and puts the ordering location back on the serialized part record (the same location used to update the scrapped inventory by 1 using an adjustment). The part status can be changed to CORE-AWAITING REBUILD if the user wants to send the part to a different vendor in an attempt to rebuild it.

Vendor invoice

Number of the vendor’s invoice for the part (or parts) received. This field is optional.

Account ID

Identifier of the account to charge for the part repair. This field has a list box.

The Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether information in this field is required, optional, or not required.

When you assign an account ID, it must have a status of ACTIVE. Account IDs and their statuses are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen.

Part short description

Short description of the part, specific enough to identify it. Defaults to the short description, if any, associated with the part ID.