Inspection Points

Preventive maintenance (PM) service schedules for linear assets are defined by inspection points. The Inspection Points tab enables you to view and record the to and from marker and segment IDs for which PM and inspections will be performed. You can define separate inspection points that break where the track type changes, and you can assign a different set of PM services to each section. You can also separate linear-asset sections by maintenance territory so that you can schedule and track the inspection and work order history by assigned territory. When a PM service is added to a linear work order, the inspections points are added to the work order automatically. This occurs in post processing, however, so you must save the work order first.

When a PM order is entered, this tab's fields auto-populate based on the inspection points defined for the asset's PM service. The display contains a sequence of ranges that needs to be inspected.

To streamline data entry, you can copy work orders using the Copy button. For a list of the data items that are copied and not copied, see Work order data items copied. Remember that behind-the-scenes functionality specified on the Linear Work Order screen also applies to linear work order actions performed through the Shop Activity Portals in Web Modules.

The Linear Work Order screen supports location level access control, so you must belong to a user group with the applicable authorization to make changes or updates. In addition, the option specified in the Require match between work order location and equipment access rights location field on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen indicates whether users can open work orders on this screen.

You can use the % wildcard character to filter the results of choice lists on this screen.

Detail View Header

The fields in the top section of this tab are display only from the Basic Info tab.

Work order ID

Identifier of the work order currently selected in the grid.

Equipment ID

Identifier of the linear asset.

Job status

Job status of the work order. The statuses are as follows:

Current work delay

Identifier of the reason for the current work delay, if any, on the work order. The work delay description displays to the right of the ID. Display only from the Work delay ID field on the Delays tab.

Detail View

The bottom section of this tab enables you to record who inspected which section, when the inspection was completed, whether the inspection passed or failed, and the inspector's comments about the conditions found during the inspection. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are optional.

Set the Employee ID for each unassigned inspection point to

Default identifier of the employee responsible for unassigned inspection point (or points). This field has a list box. The employee name displays in the unlabeled field to the right.

Set the Date and time completed for each unassigned inspection point to

Default date and time completion information for unassigned inspection point (or points).

Inspection Points Tab Screen Group Data Table

PM service

Designated PM service for inspection point. Display only from the PM service field on the Inspection Points tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Primary Information screen.

From marker ID

Designated from marker ID for inspection point. Display only from the From marker ID field on the Inspection Points tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Primary Information screen.

From segment ID

Designated from segment ID for inspection point. Display only from the From segment ID field on the Inspection Points tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Primary Information screen.

From x offset

Designated from X offset for inspection point. Display only from the From x offset field on the Inspection Points tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Primary Information screen.

To marker ID

Designated to marker ID for inspection point. Display only from the To marker ID field on the Inspection Points tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Primary Information screen.

To segment ID

Designated from segment ID for inspection point. Display only from the To segment ID field on the Inspection Points tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Primary Information screen.

To x offset

Designated to X offset for inspection point. Display only from the To x offset field on the Inspection Points tab of the Data -> Equipment Units -> Linear Assets -> Primary Information screen.

Employee ID

Identifier of the employee responsible for the inspection point. This field has a list box.

Date and time completed

Date and time the inspection was completed. The field defaults to the current system date and time.


Indicates whether the asset passed or failed inspection. The field defaults to PASS.


Free-form text field in which you can type comments regarding the inspection. The maximum field length is 120 characters.


See Also

Location level access control

Department-level access control