Inventory - More Info

The Inventory – More Info tab enables you to define additional information about how the parts inventory at the location is handled, as well as warranty claim generation. To specify how parts data is handled at the system level, use the  Setup -> Parts Items -> Options screen.

Detail Header

The field in the top section of this tab defines the data that displays.

Location ID

Identifier of the location currently selected in the grid or that you are defining. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the ID.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of this tab define the additional information. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Automatically create warranty claims when part under warranty is replaced

If this field has a check, warranty claims for parts issued from this location are automatically generated when you replace the parts within the warranty period.

This option applies to parts issued from the following screens:

Warranty periods for parts are specified on the Warranty tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor/Part Information screen. To view and edit warranty claims, use the Data -> Warranty -> Reimbursement Claims screen.

Automatically create core claims when part with a core is replaced

If this field has a check, core claims for parts issued from this location are automatically generated when you issue a part that has a check in the Has a core field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Classifications screen and the screen from which you issue the part does not have a value in the Core unit value field. For a list of screens from which you can issue parts, refer to the information on parts charges.

Binning instructions message when a part is received into stock

If this field has a check and the location receives parts and adds them to inventory, a message prints on the location’s print queue regarding the bin location in which to store each part. If there is a check in the Message when a part is received for use on a specified work order field, separate messages are generated for parts received that were ordered for specific work orders. This field is optional.

Message when a part is received for use on a specified work order

If this field has a check, a message displays on the location’s print queue regarding the location’s receipt of parts that were designated for use on a specific work order. This field is optional.

Requested quantity defaults to committed

If this field has a check, the part quantity requested defaults to the part quantity committed. Applies to all part requests, whether generated manually or automatically. Also applies to part requests generated externally.

Committed quantity not available to issue

If this field has a check, the part quantity committed is subtracted from the quantity available to issue to work orders other than the work order for which the part has been requested.

Default bin ID for automatically generated part location records

Default bin ID for automatically generated part location records. This list box is restricted to STOCK AREA bins only.

Bin IDs are assigned on the Setup -> Parts Items -> Bins screen.

Required match between inventory part and task ID

Indicates whether parts IDs specified on the Parts tabs of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center and Work Order - Short Form screens must be linked to the task IDs with which they are associated. This field is optional.

The choices are:

Parts IDs are listed on the Parts tabs of the Shop Activity -> Work Order Center and Work Order - Short Form screens. Task IDs are linked to part IDs on the Repair tab of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen.

Default inventory month for new parts added during ordering

The month (or months) during which the part is inventoried. This field has a list box.

Require vendor contract entry if part defined on a current contract

This option allows you to set if a vendor contract entry is required on a current contract. This is a location level setting.

Require issuing employee must support this location

When issuing parts from anywhere in the system, the system validates that the issue location is the same as the issuing employee's assigned shop location's default part inventory location for shop. If these two locations do not match, the following occurs depending on the setting:

Post standard parts to tasks generates part request

If this field has a check and you process a check in the Post standard parts to tasks field on the Standard Jobs tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Work Order Center screen, charges for the parts associated with each task of the standard job are automatically posted to the work order. The parts are automatically issued from the location ID specified as the default parts issue location for the location ID (determined by the first part of the work order ID).

If you leave this field blank, a parts request is generated but not posted to the work order.

Automatically receive parts transferred to this location

If this field has a check, transferred parts may be automatically received at your location, which means that parts can be transferred in one step instead of requiring a minimum of two steps (send out and receive). When a SEND PARTS OUT status is processed on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Parts Activity -> Stock Transfers screen, a RECEIVE PARTS IN status is automatically processed on the parts transfer.  

If you leave this field blank, a separate step is required to receive parts in.

Allow issues from stock with insufficient inventory

If this field has a check, parts issues may be posted to work orders even if the receipt has not been recorded yet.

Do not require reconciliation of parts issued from insufficient inventory

If this field has a check, you can close a work order even if there are pending issues to reconcile, and also receive items without specifying a work order to reconcile the receipt to an issue.

Require one count entry across all bins if part is stored in multiple bins

If this field has a check, all the bins for a part in the stockroom are counted as one bin instead of separate bins. You may only update this option (either to checked or blank) for a location whose inventory count is COMPLETED.

When you add a part with multiple bins to a count activity on the Parts Activity -> Inventory Counts -> Inventory Count Management screen, one row is normally added for each bin, the expectation being that each bin will be counted separately. All bins must be counted before the counts can be analyzed. If this option is selected, one count row is created for each part regardless of how many bins the part is stored in.

Enable use of Inventory Count Management screens

This field indicates whether you use the Parts Activity -> Inventory Counts screen or the Inventory Count Management, Count Entry, and Count Analysis screens.

Prohibit request of parts with stock status PROHIBITED

If this field has a check, technicians cannot request parts with a stock status of PROHIBITED. You may want to activate this option if the application is not the system of record for part master records or you want to prevent technicians from requesting parts that are no longer available. This option also prohibits requests for parts that are not at the location.

Default check part request notify flag upon receive/issue from receipt

If this field has a check, the Notify Requests tab lists the requests to notify, receive, or issue from receipt. The technician can then be notified that the part is ready for pick up.

Part request ORDER action does not complete the request

Allow delete of part request line items

If this field is blank, part request line items may not be deleted from the location. Users may choose the DELETE option in the Parts request action field on the Parts Information tab of the Parts Activity -> Requests screen, but the action will not be processed.

Parts request requires entry of task ID

Check this box to require a part request to have a task ID.

Warning message if similar part already requested

If this field has a check, a warning message displays if the same part ID and suffix are pending on another PENDING, ORDERED, or RECEIVED line item for the equipment unit. The pending line item may be for the specified location or another one; the same work order or a different one. This option helps prevent duplicate part orders for a single equipment unit. Users can choose to continue processing the request or cancel it.

Automatically defer transfer quantity that cannot be fulfilled on send out

Check this box to allow a portion of a stock transfer to be deferred if the quantity is not available. Part stock transfers support deferring partial line quantities or entire lines to new part stock transfers when parts are currently unavailable. This allows the remaining parts on the current stock transfer to be sent to this location.

Allow multi-asset work orders to request parts or commercial work

Check this box to allow multi-asset work orders to request parts or commercial work. Part request lines cannot be issued directly to multi-asset work orders. Once the request is fulfilled, complete the request line and use the multi-asset work order parts screen to directly issue the part. You will be able to specify which child work orders the parts were issued to on the mutli-asset work order parts screen.