Parts Information

General Parts Information

The Parts Information tab enables shop personnel to view and issue requests for parts that are in stock but not immediately accessible (such as parts at another location or stored in a closed parts room). If you manage by ENTERPRISE, you may also issue non-stock parts from this screen. Typically, parts personnel monitor the screen for new requests and issue or transfer parts to fill the requests.

You may enter one parts request for multiple work orders for the same equipment unit. Each line item defaults to the work order ID specified for the group, but you can change it to a different work order. The ISSUE action always applies to the work order ID associated with the line item.

If you are requesting a part that is being replaced under warranty, a notification message displays if all the following conditions are true:

Shop personnel can also use this tab to return a part from a work order back to stock.

Detail View Header

Fields in the top section of the tab define the data displayed in the lower section.

Location ID

Valid identifier of the parts inventory location from which the part is requested. This field has a list box. The location name displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.

If a printer ID is specified for the location, a message is sent to the printer when you process an insert of a part request on this screen. Printer IDs are specified for location IDs on the Printer Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.

Employee ID

Identifier of the employee requesting the part. Defaults to the employee ID associated with the logged in user ID. This field has a list box. If a location is specified, the list box choices are based on the location ID. If the location is left blank, the list box lists all active employees who charge time. The employee name displays to the right of the ID. This field is required.

Request ID

Identifier assigned to the request. This field is display only.

Date and time entered

Date and time that the request was entered. Populated automatically. This field is display only.

Detail View

Data in the fields in the bottom section of the tab specify the request. Unless otherwise indicated, these fields are required.

Work order ID

Three-part field containing the valid work order identifier:

The first and third parts of the field have list boxes.

More Work order ID Information:

Equipment ID

Identifier of the equipment assigned to the work order. Displays automatically when you enter the work order location, year, and number. This field has a list box of IDs associated with the work order location, year, and number. The equipment description displays below the ID.


A check displays in this field when you specify a parts request action for each line item and click Save. Once a line item has been actioned, you may not change to a different action. To display all incomplete requests in the grid, use the filter.

Issue together

If this field has a check, all line items on the parts request should be issued at the same time. In other words, if some line items are available but others are not, the parts clerk should wait until all line items are available.

Notify all pending

If this field has a check, it indicates that all parts are ready for pick up. If you insert or update a parts request and select this option, a check displays in the Notify field for each line item. The field clears automatically when the action is changed to ISSUE, COMPLETED, CANCELLED, or ORDER.

The intention is for the parts clerk to notify the technicians that parts are ready and then action the line items to ISSUE when the technicians pick up the parts. You can filter on items that are notified but not complete.

Parts Information Group Data Table

The fields in the screen group enable you to display and define information about the part being requested. Unless otherwise indicated, all fields are optional.

Line Item type

Choose the line item type. The default options are either Part or Commercial.

Part ID

Valid identifier of the part requested. The ID is associated with the part suffix. If the part ID is unique, its associated suffix displays in the Part suffix field. This field has a list box of parts from the Parts Required tab on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Class/Task Information screen, followed by all parts stocked at the issuing location.

Required if you manage parts either CENTRALLY or BY LOCATION and the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE or ORDER. Required if you manage parts BY ENTERPRISE and the Parts request action field specifies ORDER.

Depending on the task type, a check in the following fields on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen determines whether this part is added to the Parts Required tab on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Equipment Class -> Class/Task Information screen for the equipment class ID or the task or standard ID when a part is issued to a work order for a task.

Task types are assigned on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen. Part IDs are defined on the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen.

Part suffix

Number associated with the part in the Part ID field, which distinguishes it from other parts with the same part ID. Auto-populates if there is only one part on the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen with this ID. Required if the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE.


Keyword and short description of the part from the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information screen. Required if the part ID and suffix have been entered. Cannot be changed unless there is a check in the Not from inventory field.


Comments and notes about the request. This field is required if the Parts request action field specifies DELETE and the Part ID and Part suffix fields do not contain valid values. Maximum field length is 100 characters.

Task ID

Valid identifier of the task that requires the part. This field has a list box of IDs that have a check in the Active field on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen, which indicates you can post charges to the task. Required if the Part request action field specifies ISSUE. Also required if you are ordering a part with a quantity committed greater than 0 for a specific work order ID. You cannot post indirect tasks to a work order with immediate issue.

If you create a parts request for a work order and the part, quantity, and task are not already on the work order, the task is added to the work order.

If an account ID is entered for the line, the task IDs that display are only those associated with the account. If there are no associated task IDs listed for the account, all active tasks that support that account will display. This does not include accounts that have the Enforce task restrictions for this account option enabled on the Tasks tab of the Accounts Primary Information screen.

You may save a PM service or a repair task on a line if there is a check in the applicable field on the Options tab of the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Options screen (either Permit repair tasks on PM orders or Permit PM services on repair orders). Task IDs are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Tasks -> Primary Information screen.


Quantity of the part needed to complete the task. If the part is serialized and you manage inventory either CENTRALLY or BY LOCATION, the quantity must be 1. If the part is serialized and you manage inventory by ENTERPRISE, the quantity may be greater than 1.

Date required

The date (in MM/DD/YYYY format) that the part is required. Equal to the line item value plus vendor delivery time. Optional, but must be later than or equal to the current date if entered.

Not from inventory

If this field has a check, the line item will be issued to the work order as not from inventory (NFI). One example of an NFI part is a special order part that you do not want stocked.


If this field has a check, the part is being returned to inventory. Parts may not be returned if they are associated with a request that is awaiting the items being transferred.

Priority ID

Identifier of the part request priority ID. Defaults from the work order's service status. This field has a list box. The priority description displays to the right of the ID. This field is optional.

When a part request is generated with a work order ID, every line item includes the priority ID. The highest ranking priority ID is used. Priority codes are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Priority Codes screen.


If this field has a check, the technician should be notified when the part is ready for pick up. The intention is for the parts clerk to notify the technician that the part is ready and then action the line item to ISSUE when the technician picks up the part. You can filter on items that are notified but not complete. The field clears automatically when the action is changed to ISSUE, COMPLETED, CANCELLED, or ORDER.

Request action

When you process information on this screen, the action specified in this field occurs. Typically, a parts inventory employee determines the value for this field, which has a list box. This field is optional.

An ORDER action generates a vendor record if one does not exist. The action type is blank, the issue unit price is 0, and the Completed field is left blank. The Action type and Issue unit price fields are populated only if the vendor part record already exists.

Action type

The ordering object to use when the Parts request action field specifies ORDER. This field defaults to the action that is appropriate for your organization. If you have not yet migrated to Enterprise Purchasing, the default is PURCHASE ORDER. If you have migrated to Enterprise Purchasing. the default is either PURCHASE ORDER or REQUISITION, depending on your system setting for the default replenishment generation item.

This field has a list box:

In Enterprise Purchasing, the default replenishment generation item at the location level is specified on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen, and the default replenishment generation item at the parts location is specified on the Inventory - Enterprise tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen.


The status of the request line. This field has a list box:


If this field has a check, the part request has been completed and issued. Applies to parts that were received and immediately issued on a purchase order that was created in relation to a part request.

Add to PO/requisition ID

If the Parts request action field specifies ORDER, you can use this field to identify the purchase order or requisition to which the part request should be added as a line item. This field has a list box.

If you leave this field blank, a new purchase order (or requisition, depending on data settings) is created for the part. The part request ID is recorded on the purchase order and a related work order is created for the line item.

In Enterprise Purchasing, the default replenishment generation item at the location level is specified on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Options screen, and the default replenishment generation item at the parts location is specified on the Inventory - Enterprise tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen. This functionality is activated by the Allow specifying a new purchasing object ID when actioning a line item field on the More Info tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing > Setup > Options screen.

Transfer from location ID

Identifier of the location from which the parts are being transferred. This field has a list box of all valid locations that have been specified as a parts inventory location type on the Functions tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations  -> Primary Information screen. Required if the Part request action field specifies TRANSFER.

Quantity on hand

Quantity of the part on hand at the location, in issue units. When you process an automatic adjustment to inventory counts from the Data -> Parts Activity -> Inventory Counts screen, the system updates this field automatically. This field is display only. The quantity on hand is included in messages sent to printers.

Quantity on order

Part quantity that is on order for this location. This field is display only. This information is included in messages sent to printers.

Quantity committed

Part quantity that is committed (reserved) for this location. The quantity committed must be less than or equal to the quantity requested. If there is a check in either the Not from inventory or the Return field, this field must be zero.

To see the total quantity committed for a part at a location, use the Basic Info tab on the Data -> Parts Items -> Location Information screen.

To fix a corrupted quantity committed value, run the EntPurQtyOnOrderFix.sql script, which is in ..\dbobjects\oracle(mssql)\conv\ of the application installation.


If this field has a check, a part ID-suffix combination with a status of STOCKED has been requested but there is insufficient quantity on hand to fulfill the request immediately. This flag can be modified if the storekeeper subsequently determines that a stockout condition did not truly exist.

Bin ID

Identifier of the bin in which the part is stored. This field is display only.

Bin IDs are assigned on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Bins screen.

Issue unit price

Price of the issued unit. Populates automatically when a part ID, suffix, and request quantity are entered, but you can change it. May not differ from the part issue price unless there is a check in the Not from inventory field. Required if the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE and the Not from inventory field is blank. When you receive a non-stock part and complete the related work order with the action of RECEIVE, the issue unit price is updated with the following: Issue price equals the total receipt cost divided by the number of parts received.

Reorder point

Stock level at which an order is to be placed for this part. This field is display only. The reorder point is included in messages sent to printers.

Reorder quantity

[F-25347]Reorder quantity, in units of issue, computed for this part. This field is display only. This information is included in messages sent to printers.


Work accomplished code. It provides more detail about the work performed in relation to the task. This field has a list box. If the WAC for this part is marked Part Issue Not Allowed on the Basic Info tab of the Work Accomplished Codes screen, an issue of a part with this WAC will cause an error during processing, and not process the issued part.

Vendor ID

Identifier of the vendor associated with the warranty. This field has a list box.

Vendor ID defaults as follows:

Existing vendor IDs are not overwritten if the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE.

If you change the part ID and suffix and the Parts request action field specifies either ORDER or ISSUE, this field defaults based on the aforementioned rules. Existing vendor IDs are not overwritten.

This field is required if the following applies:

Preferred vendors for parts are specified on the Purchasing Info tabs of the Data -> Parts Items -> Primary Information and Location Information screens.

Unit of measure

Unit of measure for the part at the location. Auto-populates (based on part ID and suffix) only when you are entering data. This field is optional.

Core credit

If this field has a check, the part is a core. If you clear this field, the Core unit value field also clears.

Core unit value

Cost of the core part.

Fail/cause ID

Identifier of the reason that the part failed. This field has a list box.

When the stock room uses the Requests screen to issue the requested part, the previously entered part fail ID is used. If a stock clerk knows the part fail ID, it can be entered at the time of issue.

Account ID

Identifier of the general accounting system account associated with the part. This field has a list box. If a task ID is entered for the line, the account IDs that display are only those associated with the task. If there is no associated account ID listed for the task, all active accounts that support that task will display.

The account ID will default depending on the line item type as follows:

The account ID must have a status of ACTIVE and must be valid for part issues or purchase orders. The ID may not be changed if the line status is ORDERED, PARTIALLY RECEIVED, RECEIVED, or COMPLETED.

Account IDs and their statuses are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Accounts -> Primary Information screen. The Account ID field on the Edit Criteria - General tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen specifies whether information in this field is required, optional, or not required.

Position ID

Identifier of the part's position on the equipment unit. This field has a list box. Valid positions defined for the class and part ID are listed first, followed by a separator, and then all positions. Required if there is a check in the Immediate issue field or the action is ISSUE and part ID and suffix have a check in the Requires positional information field on the Data -> Parts Items -> Setup -> Part Classifications screen. Otherwise, optional.

Equipment unit positions are defined on the Data -> Equipment Units -> Setup -> Positions screen.

Installed serial number

Serial number of the part installed on the equipment unit. This field has a list box. The choices that display depend on the part ID and suffix and are restricted by the first characters that you type in the field before requesting the list. Required for serialized parts.

Removed serial number

Serial number of the part removed from the equipment unit. This field has a list box. The choices that display depend on the part ID and equipment ID and are restricted by the first characters that you type in the field before requesting the list. Required unless the part has an "install only" or "remove only" work accomplished code, in which case only the installed or removed serial number is required.

Work accomplished codes and their descriptions are defined on the Data -> Shop Activity -> Setup -> Work Accomplished Codes screen.

Service request ID

Identifier of the service request associated with the part. This field has a list box.

Vendor contract ID

Identifier of the vendor contract to use to order the part. This field has a list box of contract IDs for the specified vendor that have a begin date before and an end date after the posting date and have an amount remaining balance that is greater than 0. The vendor name displays to the right of the ID. If you want to specify a contract ID, you must do so when or before you process the ORDER action.

When the ORDER action is processed, a determination is made as to whether the vendor contract ID is valid based on today's date and whether there are sufficient funds available to cover the line item being ordered. The vendor contract ID is carried through the purchasing process, so you do not need to update it later.

Vendor IDs are defined on the Basic Info tab of the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen. The product or service (e.g., equipment, parts, or equipment repair) that a vendor provides is specified on the Functions tab of the Data ->  Setup -> Organization Structure -> Vendors -> Primary Information screen.

Contract line item ID

Identifier of the line item associated with the vendor contract. This field has a list box. This field is optional.

Vendor contract line item IDs are recorded on the Contract Line Items tab of the Data -> Purchasing -> Vendor Contracts -> Contracts screen.

Date and time actioned

Date and time that the action was taken as well as the identifier of the user who set it. For ISSUE actions, defaults to the date of the latest labor transaction for the same task ID. If a corresponding labor transaction is not available for ISSUE actions, uses the date that the action was taken. This field is display only.

Action comment

Text field in which you can type comments regarding why or how the line item was completed, deleted, and so forth. The maximum field length is 100 characters.

Est unit cost

Estimated unit cost of the part. This field may be used for informational purposes or when interfacing with other systems.

OK from unapproved vendor

If this field has a check, you may override the Require approved vendor for STOCK PART line items field on the Purchase Orders tab of the Data -> Enterprise Purchasing -> Setup -> Purchase Types screen.

WO location

Identifier of the work order location. This field has a list box.


Work order year.


Work order number. Defaults to the work order ID for the equipment ID specified on this tab, but you can change it. This field has a list box of open work orders at the specified location. Required if the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE.

From marker ID

Identifier of the marker at which the linear asset originates. Auto-populates based on the equipment ID and task ID, if both are entered. This field has a list box. When you type or select a marker ID, a determination is made as to how many segment IDs are assigned to it. If there is only one segment ID, the From segment ID field populates automatically. Required if the equipment ID corresponds to a linear asset and the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE.

From segment ID

Identifier of the segment at which the linear asset originates. Auto-populates based on the equipment ID and task ID, if both are entered. This field has a list box. If you specify a marker with only one segment ID, this field populates automatically. Required if the equipment ID corresponds to a linear asset and the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE.

From offset

Distance along the segment from the From marker ID. Auto-populates based on the equipment ID and task ID, if both are entered. Required if the equipment ID corresponds to a linear asset and the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE.

To marker ID

Identifier of the marker at which the linear asset terminates. Auto-populates based on the equipment ID and task ID, if both are entered. This field has a list box. When you type or select a marker ID, a determination is made as to how many segment IDs are assigned to it. If there is only one segment ID, the To segment ID field populates automatically. Required if the equipment ID corresponds to a linear asset and the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE.

To segment ID

Identifier of the segment at which the linear asset terminates. Auto-populates based on equipment ID and task ID, if both are entered. This field has a list box. If you specify a marker with only one segment ID, populates automatically. Required if the equipment ID corresponds to a linear asset and the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE.

To offset

Distance along the segment from the To marker ID. Auto-populates based on the equipment ID and task ID, if both are entered. Required if the equipment ID corresponds to a linear asset and the Parts request action field specifies ISSUE.

Labor cost

Vendor’s charges for labor in the Task ID field. Must be greater than or equal to 0 for commercial labor; must be 0 for non-commercial labor. Maximum field length is 10 digits, with two digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 0.0.

Labor cost taxable

If this field has a check, the labor cost is subject to an appropriate sales tax that the application added to the Labor cost field.

If there is a check in the Sales tax computed automatically for: Commercial labor field on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen, a check displays in this field automatically, but you can remove it.

Sales tax rate

If there is a check in the Labor cost taxable field, this field displays the sales tax rate for commercial labor. Maximum field length is eight digits, with four digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 0.0. This field is display only.

The following fields are searched, in order, and the first rate found is displayed. If all the fields are blank, a sales tax is not added to the charges.

Sales tax settings are specified on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.

Labor hours

Number of hours of labor spent on this task, to the nearest hundredth of an hour. Must 0 for non-commercial labor. Maximum field length is 10 digits, with two digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 0.0.

Parts cost

Vendor’s charges for parts used to complete the task. Must be greater than or equal to 0 for commercial parts; must be 0 for non-commercial parts. Maximum field length is 10 digits, with two digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 0.0.

Parts cost taxable

If this field has a check, the parts cost is subject to an appropriate sales tax that the application added to the Parts cost field.

If there is a check in the Sales tax computed automatically for: Commercial parts field on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen, a check displays in this field automatically, but you can remove it.

Sales tax rate

If there is a check in the Parts cost taxable field, this field displays the sales tax rate for commercial parts. Maximum field length is eight digits, with four digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 0.0. This field is display only.

The following fields are searched, in order, and the first rate found is displayed. If all the fields are blank, a sales tax is not added to the charges.

Sales tax settings are specified on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.

Misc cost

Other costs that cannot be categorized as either labor or parts. Maximum field length is 10 digits, with two digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 0.0.

The Work Orders - More Info tab on the Data -> Setup -> Organization Structure -> Locations -> Primary Information screen specifies the maximum dollar amount, if any, that may be entered for miscellaneous costs.

Misc cost taxable

If this field has a check, miscellaneous costs are subject to an appropriate sales tax that the application added to the Misc cost field.

If there is a check in the Sales tax computed automatically for: Commercial misc field on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen, a check displays in this field automatically, but you can remove it.

Sales tax rate

If there is a check in the Misc cost taxable field, this field displays the sales tax rate for miscellaneous costs. Maximum field length is eight digits, with four digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 0.0. This field is display only.

The following fields are searched, in order, and the first rate found is displayed. If all the fields are blank, a sales tax is not added to the charges:

Sales tax settings are specified on the Currency/Sales Tax Setup tab of the Data -> Setup -> Options screen.

Estimated total cml cost

Estimated total commercial cost. Must be greater than 0 if ordering commercial items. Maximum field length is 10 digits, with two digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 0.0. Does not include the estimated total tax amount.

Estimated total tax amt

Estimated total tax amount. Maximum field length is 10 digits, with two digits after the decimal point. Defaults to 0.0.

Date Received

The date this request was received. This is auto-populated.

Assigned picking employee ID

The unique identifier of the employee assigned to the picking card.

Issue Comment

A comment for the part issue. Comments entered here are passed from the part request with an action of ISSUE to the work order. This can be seen on the Work Order Center Parts tab in the Issue Comment field.

Asset selection